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Educa??o estat?stica e as possibilidades de trabalho transdisciplinar nos anos finais do ensino fundamental

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Contributors:
      Rocha Filho, Jo?o Bernardes da
    • بيانات النشر:
      Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica do Rio Grande do Sul, 2019.
    • الموضوع:
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Neste estudo foram analisadas as articula??es existentes entre os elementos transdisciplinares e as pr?ticas docentes relacionadas ao ensino de Estat?stica nos anos finais do ensino fundamental. A Base Nacional Comum Curricular, documento atual, sobre o tema, enfatiza que os conceitos, fatos e procedimentos estat?sticos devem estar relacionados a problemas do cotidiano, das ci?ncias e da tecnologia, onde os pressupostos para que a pr?tica pedag?gica se consolide s?o baseados na investiga??o e na explora??o destas situa??es, buscando a aquisi??o de conhecimento menos compartimentalizada e voltadas para a forma??o cient?fica, intelectual e humanizada do aluno. Sendo, a transdisciplinaridade uma das abordagens cient?ficas que tem com objetivo o crescimento e desenvolvimento pessoal, no qual compet?ncias e conhecimentos s?o respeitos e conservados buscou- se uma aproxima??o entre a transdisciplinaridade, enquanto atitude, frente ao conhecimento, e o campo da Educa??o Estat?stica. Com base nessa contextualiza??o, a quest?o que orientou este estudo expressou-se na seguinte pergunta: como os elementos transdisciplinares e as concep??es da Educa??o Estat?stica se articulam nas pr?ticas docentes nos anos finais do ensino fundamental? Pois, percebeu-se que os assuntos ligados a elementos transdisciplinares nas pr?ticas docentes tendem a ser secundarizados, assim como h? omiss?o dos indicadores provenientes da transdisciplinaridade produzidos nessas condi??es. No campo anal?tico, descreveu-se e analisou-se as poss?veis aproxima??es entre a Educa??o Estat?stica e os estudos transdisciplinares, buscando compreender suas potencialidades nas pr?ticas mobilizadas nos anos finais do ensino fundamental. Para fins deste estudo, as articula??es entre a transdisciplinaridade e a Educa??o Estat?stica emergiram das concep??es docentes que foram evidenciadas, na entrevista epis?dica, respondida por duas participantes graduadas em Matem?tica e que exercem a doc?ncia no ensino fundamental. A an?lise dos dados foi realizada com base nos pressupostos e procedimentos da An?lise Textual Discursiva, e caracteriza uma abordagem qualitativa, anal?tica e compreensiva. Teoricamente, considerou-se que a Educa??o Estat?stica, em particular nos anos finais do 10 Ensino Fundamental, apresenta conte?dos estat?sticos cujos objetivos, dentre outros, s?o os de coletar, organizar e apresentar dados por meio de tabelas e gr?ficos, al?m de calcular e interpretar as medidas de tend?ncias centrais. Desenvolvendo a discuss?o cr?tica, a argumenta??o racional e o uso da linguagem estat?stica adequada para a interpreta??o e valida??o de informa??es. Por fim, nesta tese, apresentaram-se elementos transdisciplinares articulados com o ensino da Estat?stica, tendo como relev?ncia os indicadores: a doc?ncia solid?ria, os n?veis de realidade e pertencimento ao cosmo, como uma primeira categoria. Respeito pelo outro e coopera??o, sendo uma segunda categoria, e a ?ltima categoria com os indicadores transcend?ncia e aprender a aprender nas pr?ticas docentes do ensino de Estat?stica nos anos finais do ensino fundamental. As conclus?es apontadas sugerem que existem v?nculos entre os indicadores de transdisciplinaridade e as pr?ticas docentes que perpassam a dimens?o profissional e alcan?am uma atitude transdisciplinar. In this study, the articulations between the transdisciplinary elements and the teaching practices related to the teaching of Statistics in the Eighth and Ninth Grades were analyzed. The National Curricular Common Bas (current document) emphasizes that concepts, facts and statistical procedures must be related to problems of everyday life, science and technology. The pedagogical practice to be consolidated are based on research and in the exploration of these situations, seeking the acquisition of knowledge less compartmentalized and focused on the scientific, intellectual and humanize deducation of the student. The transdisciplinarity is one of the scientific approaches that have for the purpose of personal growth and development. This approach is based on competencies and knowledge are respected and conserved looked for an approximation between the transdisciplinarity, like attitude, before the knowledge, and the field of Statistical Education. Based on this contextualization, the question that guided this study was expressed in thefollowing question: how are the transdisciplinary elements and the conceptions of Statistical Education articulated in teaching practices in the final years of elementary school? For, it was realized that the subjects related to transdisciplinary elements in the teaching practices tend to be secondary, just as there is an omission of the indicators coming from the transdisciplinarity produced in these conditions. In the analytical field, the possible approximations between Statistical Education and transdisciplinary studies were described and analyzed, seeking to understand their potential in the practices mobilized in the final years of elementary school. For the purposes of this study, the articulations between transdisciplinarity and Statistical Education emerged from the teaching conceptions that were evidenced in the episodic interview, answered by two participants graduated in Mathematics and who teach in elementary school. Data analysis was performed based on the assumptions and procedures of the Discursive Textual Analysis and characterizes a qualitative, analytical and comprehensive approach. In the theoretical point of view, the Statistic Education was considering, particularly in the final years of Elementary School, as statistical content whose objectives are collecting, organizing and presenting data through tables and graphs, as well as calculating and 12 interpreting the measures of central trends. Developing the critical discussion, the rationalargumentation and the use of the statistical language adequate for theinterpretation and validation of information. Finally, in this thesis, we presentedtransdisciplinary elements articulated with the teaching of Statistics, having as relevance the indicators: (I) solidary teaching, levels of reality and belonging to the cosmos. (II) Respect for the other and cooperation, and the last category with indicators transcendence and learn to learn in teaching practices of Statistics teaching in the final years of elementary school. The conclusions pointed out suggest that there are links between indicators of transdisciplinarity and teaching practices that cross the professional dimension and reach a transdisciplinary attitude Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES
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