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Environmental management in higher education institutions in Brazil: the discourse and the reality

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Contributors:
      Sim??o, Maria Ol??via de Albuquerque Ribeiro; Zogahib, Andr?? Luiz Nunes; Souza, Andrea Lanza Cordeiro de; Pereira, Henrique dos Santos
    • بيانات النشر:
      Universidade Federal do Amazonas, 2018.
    • الموضوع:
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Submitted by JOZIANE NASCIMENTO ( on 2019-04-02T13:23:40Z No. of bitstreams: 4 DISSERTA????O_JOZIANE_VERS??O FINAL.pdf: 1308701 bytes, checksum: 35b379a133ed531d2746d867aa86e11f (MD5) CARTA DE ENCAMINHAMENTO_JOZIANE MENDES.pdf: 468106 bytes, checksum: fdd435baa83bc8d5e09e9dfdff85797f (MD5) ATA DE DEFESA.pdf: 59295 bytes, checksum: bc2bb2bc7428198555fc92a0b6316f5b (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by PPGCASA Programa de Ci??ncias do Ambiente e Sustentabilidade na Amaz??nia ( on 2019-04-02T18:27:24Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 4 DISSERTA????O_JOZIANE_VERS??O FINAL.pdf: 1308701 bytes, checksum: 35b379a133ed531d2746d867aa86e11f (MD5) CARTA DE ENCAMINHAMENTO_JOZIANE MENDES.pdf: 468106 bytes, checksum: fdd435baa83bc8d5e09e9dfdff85797f (MD5) ATA DE DEFESA.pdf: 59295 bytes, checksum: bc2bb2bc7428198555fc92a0b6316f5b (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Rejected by Divis??o de Documenta????o/BC Biblioteca Central (, reason: Prezada, reenviar o dep??sito com as seguintes corre????es: 1. 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Voc?? pode elabor??-la automaticamente por meio do sistema dispon??vel em: Aguardamos o reenvio com as corre????es solicitadas. on 2019-04-03T20:42:28Z (GMT) Submitted by JOZIANE NASCIMENTO ( on 2019-04-25T16:36:03Z No. of bitstreams: 4 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) CARTA DE ENCAMINHAMENTO_JOZIANE MENDES.pdf: 468106 bytes, checksum: fdd435baa83bc8d5e09e9dfdff85797f (MD5) ATA DE DEFESA.pdf: 59295 bytes, checksum: bc2bb2bc7428198555fc92a0b6316f5b (MD5) DISSERTA????O_JOZIANE_AUTODEP??SITO_PDF.docx: 530266 bytes, checksum: ecfbce76749bf51dd05fede99e40b441 (MD5) Rejected by PPGCASA Programa de Ci??ncias do Ambiente e Sustentabilidade na Amaz??nia (, reason: on 2019-04-25T18:36:58Z (GMT) Submitted by JOZIANE NASCIMENTO ( on 2019-04-26T12:50:54Z No. of bitstreams: 4 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) CARTA DE ENCAMINHAMENTO_JOZIANE MENDES.pdf: 468106 bytes, checksum: fdd435baa83bc8d5e09e9dfdff85797f (MD5) ATA DE DEFESA.pdf: 59295 bytes, checksum: bc2bb2bc7428198555fc92a0b6316f5b (MD5) DISSERTA????O_JOZIANE_AUTODEP??SITO_PDF.pdf: 1301504 bytes, checksum: 0f19db8b45585bd07bf37078abfd5102 (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by PPGCASA Programa de Ci??ncias do Ambiente e Sustentabilidade na Amaz??nia ( on 2019-04-29T17:42:44Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 4 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) CARTA DE ENCAMINHAMENTO_JOZIANE MENDES.pdf: 468106 bytes, checksum: fdd435baa83bc8d5e09e9dfdff85797f (MD5) ATA DE DEFESA.pdf: 59295 bytes, checksum: bc2bb2bc7428198555fc92a0b6316f5b (MD5) DISSERTA????O_JOZIANE_AUTODEP??SITO_PDF.pdf: 1301504 bytes, checksum: 0f19db8b45585bd07bf37078abfd5102 (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by Divis??o de Documenta????o/BC Biblioteca Central ( on 2019-04-30T21:15:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 4 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) CARTA DE ENCAMINHAMENTO_JOZIANE MENDES.pdf: 468106 bytes, checksum: fdd435baa83bc8d5e09e9dfdff85797f (MD5) ATA DE DEFESA.pdf: 59295 bytes, checksum: bc2bb2bc7428198555fc92a0b6316f5b (MD5) DISSERTA????O_JOZIANE_AUTODEP??SITO_PDF.pdf: 1301504 bytes, checksum: 0f19db8b45585bd07bf37078abfd5102 (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2019-04-30T21:15:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 4 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) CARTA DE ENCAMINHAMENTO_JOZIANE MENDES.pdf: 468106 bytes, checksum: fdd435baa83bc8d5e09e9dfdff85797f (MD5) ATA DE DEFESA.pdf: 59295 bytes, checksum: bc2bb2bc7428198555fc92a0b6316f5b (MD5) DISSERTA????O_JOZIANE_AUTODEP??SITO_PDF.pdf: 1301504 bytes, checksum: 0f19db8b45585bd07bf37078abfd5102 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-06-05 FAPEAM - Funda????o de Amparo ?? Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas 92 99345-0508 The discussions on sustainability and environmental management are a reality in Higher Education Institutions in Brazil. As a result of this, we sought to reveal a panorama of Environmental Management in IES, trying to answer if the discourse in favor of sustainability is configured in actions in the day to day of these organizations. In order to do so, thirty publications in the Capes Periodicals database were evaluated. The results show that despite the seriousness of the environmental problems experienced by humanity and the various commitments assumed through the signing of agreements, the Environmental Management taught is not experienced by IES. The actions practiced are punctual and corrective, they are not structured systematically. The deficiencies also affect Teaching, where the absence of environmental education is perceived in the curricula of undergraduate and postgraduate courses evaluated. It involves Research on the subject that demonstrates that it is necessary to train professionals with the capacity to make decisions based on the consideration of environmental sustainability in their future business and urgently train teachers and researchers with ability to deal with the complexity of the environmental theme. The challenges mentioned range from the complexity involved in the operation of IES, the mental model that the land has an infinite capacity for generating resources and receiving waste, the absurd consensus involving students, employees and teachers who do not question the practices, often harmful to the environment, the myth of the rational university related to the propagation of the idea that these have already reached the highest possible level of functionality, budget constraint, lack of environmental awareness, cultural barriers that vitiate some behaviors, restriction of space for implementing infrastructure for environmental management, institutional demands of other natures considered to be priorities in the short and medium term, lack of recognition of reward for adopting sustainable actions and the belief that governments will solve problems if they become a real risk. The paths pointed out show the need for a change in the way IES works, the commitment of top management, the structuring of environmental management practices, the expansion of studies on the theme, the training of professionals, the approach to the theme in curricula, fostering discussion within and outside its context, strengthening environmental education and disseminating the benefits of an environmental management system. Thus, it is verified that their actions must involve practices consistent with the behaviors and initiatives required by the context of which they are part. They must be aware of the changes that have occurred around them, acting as producers of solutions to the evils faced by society, evidencing the emergence of the global movement to incorporate principles of environmental management into the regiments and practices of Higher Education Institutions. As discuss??es em torno da sustentabilidade e da gest??o ambiental s??o uma realidade nas Institui????es de Educa????o Superior no Brasil. Em virtude disto, buscou-se revelar um panorama da Gest??o Ambiental em IES, tentando responder se o discurso em prol da sustentabilidade se configura em a????es no dia a dia destas organiza????es. Para tanto, foram avaliadas trinta publica????es da base de dados do Peri??dicos Capes. Os resultados revelam que a despeito da gravidade dos problemas ambientais vivenciados pela humanidade e dos diversos compromissos assumidos atrav??s da assinatura de acordos, a Gest??o Ambiental ensinada n??o ?? vivenciada pelas IES. As a????es praticadas s??o pontuais e corretivas, n??o est??o estruturadas sistematicamente. As defici??ncias atingem tamb??m o Ensino, onde se percebe a aus??ncia educa????o ambiental nos curr??culos de cursos de gradua????o e p??s-gradua????o avaliados. Envolve a Pesquisa sobre o tema que demonstra ser necess??rio formar profissionais com capacidade de tomar decis??es a partir da considera????o da sustentabilidade ambiental em seus futuros neg??cios e urg??ncia formar docentes e pesquisadores com habilidade em lidar com a complexidade da tem??tica ambiental. Os desafios apontados englobam desde a complexidade que envolvem o funcionamento das IES, o modelo mental de que a terra possui capacidade infinita de gera????o de recursos e recep????o de dejetos, o consenso absurdo envolvendo estudantes, funcion??rios e docentes que n??o questionam as pr??ticas, muitas vezes danosas ao meio ambiente, o mito da universidade racional relacionado ?? propaga????o da ideia de que as estas j?? atingiram o n??vel mais alto poss??vel de funcionalidade, a restri????o or??ament??ria, a falta de consci??ncia ambiental, as barreiras culturais que viciam alguns comportamentos, a restri????o de espa??o para implementa????o de infraestrutura para gerenciamento ambiental, demandas institucionais de outras naturezas consideradas priorit??rias a curto e m??dio prazo, falta de reconhecimento de recompensa por adotarem a????es sustent??veis e a cren??a de que os governos v??o resolver os problemas se eles se tornarem um risco real. Os caminhos apontados mostram a necessidade de mudan??a na forma de atua????o das IES, do comprometimento da alta administra????o, da estrutura????o das pr??ticas de gest??o ambiental, da amplia????o dos estudos sobre o tema, da capacita????o de profissionais, da abordagem do tema nos curr??culos, do fomento ?? discuss??o dentro e fora do seu contexto, do fortalecimento da educa????o ambiental e da dissemina????o dos benef??cios de um sistema de gest??o ambiental. Sendo assim, constata-se que suas a????es devem envolver pr??ticas condizentes com os comportamentos e iniciativas requeridas pelo contexto do qual fazem parte. Devem estar atentas ??s mudan??as ocorridas ?? sua volta, atuando como produtoras de solu????es para os males enfrentados pela sociedade, evidenciando a emerg??ncia do movimento global para incorporar princ??pios de gest??o ambiental nos regimentos e pr??ticas das Institui????es de Educa????o Superior. O trabalho representa um diagn??stico da pr??tica da Gest??o Ambiental em IES no Brasil. Apresenta estrat??gias de Gest??o para tomadores de decis??o.
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