نبذة مختصرة : The present PhD thesis is a compilation of four empirical studies and one review that try to better understand the clinical presentation of Bulimia Nervosa (BN) by investigating three important aspects: (1) gender differences in eating disorder (ED) symptomatology, associated traits and therapy outcome (study 1 and study 2), (2) phenomenology and boundaries of BN-purging, BN-non-purging and BED diagnoses (study 3) and (3) new technological approaches for the treatment of EDs with bulimic symptomatology (study 4 and study 5). In the first study, 60 male and 60 female ED patients were compared to 120 healthy controls to find out similarities and differences in ED clinical features, psychopathology and personality traits by gender. The goal of the second study was to examine the efficacy of CBT treatment delivered in a group for BN male individuals compared with BN female individuals. In the third study, 34 females suffering from binge eating disorder (BED), 34 BN purging and 34 BN non-purging were compared to explore similarities and differences on clinical, psychopathological and personality variables. The forth study was a book chapter-review of ED interventions (specifically BN and BED) through new technologies. In the last study, an effectiveness analysis of an Internet-based therapy program (IBT) for BN was compared to a waiting list (WL). Results regards to gender showed important clinical similarities between male and female ED participants. However, specific aspects related to shape or thinness were differently considered by them. Taking into account treatment response, results indicated that CBT treatment for BN was beneficial for both male and females ED patients. Moreover, the differences found in personality traits by gender appeared to be more related to gender differences in the general population rather than to ED per se. Regards to BED, BN purging and BN non-purging spectrum, a linear trend in general psychopathology was observed between disorders showing a continuum were BNpurging represented the most severe disorder and BED the least severe. And obesity was a clinical variable strongly associated with BED. And finally, regards to Internet programs data suggested that the IBT program was useful for BN patient when compared to a waiting list. All the studies presented in this dissertation have been published in international and national journals. Studies: 1) "Do men with eating disorders differ from women in clinics, psychopathology and personality?" Authors: Núñez- avarro, A.; Agüera, Z.; Krug, I.; Jimenez-Murcia, S.; Sánchez, I.; Araguz, N; Gorwood, P.; Granero, R.; Penelo, E.; Karwautz, A.; Moragas, L; Saldaña, S; Treasure, J.; Menchón, J.M. and Fernández-Aranda, F. (2012) European Eating Disorders Review 20 (1) 23-31. 2) “Male eating disorders and therapy: a controlled pilot study with one year follow-up” Authors: Fernández-Aranda, F.; Krug, I.; Jiménez-Murcia, S.; Granero, R.; N úñez, A.; Penelo, E.; Solano, R. and Treasure, J. (2009) J. Behav. Ther. & Exp. Psychiat. 40 (3) 479–486. 3) “Differentiating purging and nonpurging bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder” Authors: úñez- avarro, A., Jiménez-Murcia, S., Álvarez-Moya, E., Villarejo, C., Sánchez, I.; Masuet, C., Granero, R., Penelo, E., Krug, I., Tinahones, FJ. Bulik, C. and Fernández-Aranda, F. (2011) International Journal of Eating Disorders 44(6)488-496. 4) “Nuevas tecnologías en el tratamiento de los trastornos de la alimentación” Authors: Fernández Aranda, F.; Martínez, C.; N úñez, A., Álvarez, E. y Jiménez-Murcia, S. (2007) Cuadernos de Medicina Psicosomática y Psiquiatría de enlace, 82, 7-16. 5) “Internet-based cognitive-behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa: a controlled study” Authors: Fernández-Aranda, F.; Núñez, A.; Martínez, C.; Krug, I.; Cappozzo, M.; Carrard, I.; Rouget, P.; Jiménez-Murcia, S.; Granero, R.; Penelo, E.; Santamaría, J. and Lam, T. (2009) Cyberpsychology & behavior 12 (1) 37-41.
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