نبذة مختصرة : To better understand veterans decisions about germline testing, we conducted a single-site, qualitative study of 32 veterans with advanced prostate cancer. Seven days after oncologist-patient discussions about germline testing, we conducted semistructured interviews with patients to explore their decision-making process using an interview guide. Four of 14 veterans with service-connected disability benefits for prostate cancer declined germline testing for fear of losing benefits because their livelihood depended on these benefits. All 18 veterans without service-connected benefits agreed to testing. Veterans declining germline testing based on this concern can lead to suboptimal cancer care because targeted treatments that could improve their outcomes may go unrecognized. Our findings contributed to new language in the Veterans Benefits Administration Compensation and Pension Manual clarifying that genetic testing showing hereditary predisposition is insufficient to deny service-connected benefits for conditions presumed to be caused by military exposures. Clinicians should communicate this protection when counseling veterans about genetic testing.
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