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Apparatus for simulation of interpersonal relationships and activity
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- Publication Date:March 01, 1977
- معلومة اضافية
- Patent Number: 4,009,525
- Appl. No: 05/628,830
- Application Filed: November 04, 1975
- نبذة مختصرة : Apparatus for simulating living beings interacting in pairs, small groups, and large groups.
A simulator of the man-woman relationship includes a simulator of the man and a simulator of the woman, each such individual simulator having adjustment dials relating to situational and personality factors. The dials adjust the voltage at a threshold detector which operates decision indicator lamps and provides a voltage at a decision voltage output port. The decision voltage output of the man-simulator is connected to the threshold detector of the woman-simulator via a sense port. Similarly, the woman-simulator has a decision voltage output port connected to a sense port and input to the level threshold detector of the man-simulator. A switch interrupts each output so that the effect of relationship can be shown. By adjustment and interpretation of the dial settings and decision indications, paradoxes and problems in man-woman relationships are demonstrated.
A plurality of individual simulator units are also employed with sense and decision ports interconnected to form simulators of partnerships, small groups, hierarchies, collective leadership, and large social groups.
In a social group simulator all decision ports are connected together for a social output and all sense ports are connected together for a social input. The social output is connected to a social condition display device. The social output is also connected to the social input via a feedback path disconnectable by a switch. A nonlinear device, a delay device, and/or a variable resistance are optionally placed in the feedback path for simulating nonlinear social perception, delayed responses to the social condition, and variable isolation of individuals from the social condition respectively.
A social group with variable population is simulated by switching individual simulators into or out of a social group simulator. Social interrelationships of subgroups and subcultures are simulated by interconnecting a plurality of social group simulators.
A social studies laboratory is arranged by locating individual simulators at respective student desks and connecting them by cables to a console at a teacher's desk where interconnection, adjustment, and display functions are performed. - Inventors: Hollander, James Fisher (Matawan, NJ)
- Claim: What is claimed is
- Claim: 1. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus comprising
- Claim: first adjustment dial means including an adjustable dial for indicating levels of a personal desire decisional influence for a first individual;
- Claim: an indicator for displaying one at a time of at least two decisions of said first individual;
- Claim: first device means adjustable by said first adjustment dial means, for causing said first decision indicator to display one decision when a total of decisional influence on said first individual exceeds a threshold and to display another decision when the total decisional influence on said first individual is less than said threshold, a physical output corresponding to each said decision being derivable;
- Claim: second adjustment dial means including an adjustable dial for indicating levels of a personal desire decisional influence for a second individual;
- Claim: an indicator for displaying one at a time of at least two decisions of said second individual;
- Claim: second device means adjustable by said second adjustment dial means, for causing said second decision indicator to display one decision when a total of decisional influence on said second individual exceeds a threshold and to display another decision when the total decisional influence on said second individual is less than said threshold, said physical output being able to cause an influence on said second device means in analogy with a decisional influence on said second individual; and
- Claim: means for substantially turning off said physical output influence
- Claim: whereby the effect of interpersonal relationship is shown.
- Claim: 2. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 1 wherein
- Claim: said means for substantially turning off said physical output influence comprises means for interrupting transmission of said physical output to said second device means.
- Claim: 3. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 1 wherein
- Claim: said first adjustment dial means also includes an adjustable dial for indicating levels of a social expectation decisional influence for said first individual;
- Claim: said second adjustment dial means also includes an adjustable dial for indicating levels of a social expectation decisional influence for said second individual; and
- Claim: said means for substantially turning off said physical output influence comprises means for variably attenuating transmission of said physical output to said second device means, adjustable dial means being attached to said attenuating means for indicating levels of independence of said second individual from said first individual.
- Claim: 4. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 1 wherein
- Claim: said apparatus comprises a plurality of individual simulator units each unit comprising
- Claim: a sense port for admitting a physical force;
- Claim: adjustment dial means including an adjustable dial for indicating levels of a personal desire decisional influence for the individual simulated by the unit;
- Claim: an indicator for displaying one at a time of at least two decisions of the individual simulated by the unit;
- Claim: device means adjustable by said adjustment dial means, for causing said decision indicator to display one decision when a total of decisional influence on the individual simulated by the unit exceeds a threshold and to display another decision when the total decisional influence on the individual simulated by the unit is less than said theshold, a physical output corresponding to each said decision being derivable, said physical force being able to cause an influence on said device means in analogy with a decisional influence on the individual simulated by the unit;
- Claim: means for substantially turning off said physical output; and
- Claim: a decision port at which said physical output is made available;
- Claim: the sense port and decision port of each of said units communicating with a decision port and a sense port respectively of every other of said units, whereby reciprocal relationships are able to be simulated.
- Claim: 5. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 4 wherein said plurality is two and each unit further comprises
- Claim: means for variably attenuating said physical force; and
- Claim: adjustable dial means attached to said attenuating means for enabling indication of levels of emotional independence of the individual simulated by the unit from the individual simulated by the other unit; and
- Claim: said adjustment dial means in each unit also includes
- Claim: an adjustable dial for enabling the indication of levels of a social expectation decisional influence for the individual simulated by the unit.
- Claim: 6. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 5 wherein said decision indicators of said units indicate decisions in a man-woman relationship.
- Claim: 7. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 4 wherein said decision indicators of said units indicate decisions in a partnership.
- Claim: 8. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 1 wherein
- Claim: device means adjustable by said adjustment dial means, for causing said decision indicator to display one decision when a total of decisional influence on the individual simulated by the unit exceeds a threshold and to display another decision when the total decisional influence on the individual simulated by the unit is less than said threshold, a physical output corresponding to each said decision being derivable, said physical force being able to cause an influence on said device means in analogy with a decisional influence on the individual simulated by the unit; and
- Claim: all of the decision ports of said units communicating along a common feedback path to all of the sense ports of said units;
- Claim: and said turnoff means comprises
- Claim: means for substantially turning off said physical output corresponding to each said decision from communication along said feedback path to said sense ports;
- Claim: said apparatus further comprising
- Claim: means for displaying a collective decisional output related to the physical output of each said unit.
- Claim: 9. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 8 wherein said turnoff means is switch means interposed in said feedback path.
- Claim: 10. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 8 wherein said feedback path includes time delay means.
- Claim: 11. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 8 wherein said feedback path includes nonlinear processing means.
- Claim: 12. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 11 wherein said nonlinear processing means comprises an individual simulator unit additional to said plurality of units and having a sense port communicating with a decision port side of said feedback path and also having a decision port communicating with a sense port side of said feedback path.
- Claim: 13. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 8 wherein some of the sense ports of said plurality of individual simulator units are connected in common to said feedback path by attenuation means.
- Claim: 14. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 8 wherein said apparatus further comprises means for including a variable number of individual simulator units in communication along said feedback path.
- Claim: 15. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 8 wherein said decision ports and said sense ports also communicate with the sense ports and decision ports respectively of a second interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus of the kind claimed in claim 8.
- Claim: 16. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 8 having first decision ports and first sense ports wherein said apparatus further comprises second simulator apparatus of the kind claimed in claim 8 having second decision ports and second sense ports
- Claim: said first decision ports communicating to said second sense ports and said second decision ports communicating to said first sense ports via respective crossloops, each of said crossloops having
- Claim: means for substantially turning off communication along the crossloop
- Claim: time delay means; and
- Claim: means for obtaining a biased physical output corresponding to collective decisional output, whereby conflicts are able to be simulated.
- Claim: 17. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 1 wherein said apparatus further comprises at least one additional simulator unit, each such additional unit comprising
- Claim: adjustment dial means including an adjustable dial for indicating levels of a personal desire decisional influence for an additional individual simulated by the unit;
- Claim: an indicator for displaying one at a time of at least two decisions of said additional individual simulated by the unit; and
- Claim: device means adjustable by said adjustment dial means, for causing said decision indicator to display one decision when a total of decisional influence on said additional individual simulated by the unit exceeds a threshold and to display another decision when the total decisional influence on said additional individual simulated
- Claim: by the unit is less than said threshold; the physical output recited in claim 1 being able to cause an influence on said device means of each such additional unit in analogy with a decisional influence on each said additional individual simulated by each such additional unit.
- Claim: 18. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 1 wherein
- Claim: with respect to said second device means a second physical output corresponding to each said decision of said second individual is derivable; and
- Claim: said apparatus further comprises
- Claim: third adjustment dial means including an adjustable dial for indicating levels of a personal desire decisional influence for a third individual;
- Claim: an indicator for displaying one at a time of at least two decisions of said third individual;
- Claim: third device means adjustable by said third adjustment dial means, for causing said third decision indicator to display one decision when a total of decisional influence on said third individual exceeds a threshold and to display another decision when the total decisional influence on said third individual is less than said threshold, said second physical output being able to cause an influence on said third device means in analogy with a decisional influence on said third individual; and
- Claim: means for substantially turning off said second physical output influence, whereby the effect of a hierarchy of interpersonal relationship is shown.
- Claim: 19. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 18 wherein each said decision indicator displays a decision relating to business in a hierarchial organization.
- Claim: 20. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 1 wherein said apparatus further comprises at least one additional simulator unit, each such additional unit comprising
- Claim: adjustment dial means including an adjustable dial for indicating levels of a personal desire decisional influence for an additional individual simulated by said unit;
- Claim: an indicator for displaying one at a time of at least two decisions of said additional individual; and
- Claim: device means adjustable by said adjustment dial means, for causing said decision indicator to display one decision when a total of decisional influence on said additional individual exceeds a threshold and to display another decision when the total decisional influence on said additional individual is less than said threshold, an additional physical output corresponding to each said decision being derivable;
- Claim: each decision indicator of each additional unit and the first decision indicator being such as to relate to the same decisions
- Claim: said physical output influence in claim 1 being caused by contributions from said physical output and said additional physical output of each additional simulator unit.
- Claim: 21. For use in an interpersonal relationship simulator an individual simulator comprising
- Claim: means for variably attenuating said physical force;
- Claim: adjustable dial means attached to said attenuating means for enabling indication of levels of independence of said individual from at least one other individual;
- Claim: an adjustable dial for enabling indication of levels of a personal desire decisional influence for said individual;
- Claim: an indicator for displaying one at a time of at least two decisions of said individual;
- Claim: device means adjustable by said desire dial, for causing said decision indicator to display one decision when a total of decisional influence on said individual exceeds a threshold and to display another decision when the total decisional influence on said individual is less than said threshold, said physical force being able to cause an influence on said device means in analogy with a decisional influence on said individual;
- Claim: means for deriving a physical decision force having amounts corresponding to at least two decisions of said individual;
- Claim: means for interrupting said physical decision force; and
- Claim: a decision port at which said physical decision force is made available.
- Claim: 22. An interpersonal relationship simulator laboratory comprising a plurality of individual simulators each as claimed in claim 21 and means for interconnecting the sense ports and the decision ports of said individual simulators to form an interpersonal relationship simulator.
- Claim: 23. An interpersonal relationship simulator laboratory as claimed in claim 22 wherein at least some of said individual simulators are located at student desks, said decision indicators are light emissive, said laboratory includes mirror means for facilitating observation of said light emissive decision indicators, and said interconnecting means is located at a teacher desk.
- Claim: 24. A man-woman relationship simulator comprising
- Claim: a power supply for providing a positive supply voltage and a negative supply voltage with respect to a ground;
- Claim: a man-simulator and a woman-simulator apparatus each comprising
- Claim: an adjustment dial for indicating levels of personal desire, said desire dial being attached to a desire potentiometer connected from said negative to said positive voltage and having a wiper electrically connected to a variable resistance attached to an adjustment dial for indicating levels of attention to own desire;
- Claim: an adjustment dial for indicating levels of social expectations, said social expectation dial being attached to a social expectation potentiometer connected from said negative to said positive voltage and having a wiper electrically connected to a variable resistance attached to an adjustment dial for indicating levels of compliance with society;
- Claim: an adjustment dial for indicating levels of emotional independence from partner, said dial being attached to an emotional independence variable resistance having a first end and a second end;
- Claim: threshold detector means having an input connected to said desire attention variable resistance, to said compliance variable resistance, and to said second end of said emotional independence variable resistance;
- Claim: means responsive to said threshold detector for causing display of alternative decisions, said display causing means indicating one decision if a voltage at said input exceeds a threshold and indicating another decision if said input voltage does not exceed said threshold; and
- Claim: means for deriving a decision voltage having one polarity when said input voltage exceeds said threshold and having the opposite polarity when said input voltage does not exceed said threshold;
- Claim: said decision voltage of said man-simulator being delivered to said first end of said emotional independence variable resistance of said woman-simulator; and
- Claim: said decision voltage of said woman-simulator being delivered to said first end of said emotional independence variable resistance of said man-simulator.
- Claim: 25. The man-woman relationship simulator as claimed in claim 24 wherein said decision voltage deriving means includes polarity reversing switch means.
- Claim: 26. The man-woman relationship simulator as claimed in claim 24 wherein said threshold detector means comprises a first transistor having an emitter connected by a conducting path to said ground, a base being said input, and a collector connected to said display causing means.
- Claim: 27. The man-woman relationship simulator as claimed in claim 26 wherein said display causing means comprises a collector resistor connected from said first transistor collector to said power supply, a series resistor connected from said transistor collector to the base of an amplifier transistor, said amplifier transistor having an emitter connected to said power supply and a collector connected to one end of a relay, the other end of said relay being connected to ground, said relay having contacts for connecting said power supply alternatively to respective decision indicating light emitting devices.
- Claim: 28. The man-woman relationship simulator as claimed in claim 26 wherein said display causing means includes relay means having contacts for connecting a side of said power supply having one polarity alternatively to decision indicating incandescent light bulbs; and
- Claim: said decision voltage deriving means comprises first and second resistances connected at a junction, said first resistance being electrically connected to one of said relay contacts and said second resistance also being electrically connected to the opposite polarity side of said power supply, whereby said decision voltage appears at said junction.
- Claim: 29. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 1 wherein said apparatus further comprises means for providing a variety of situational interpretations to said adjustment dial means and said decision indicators.
- Claim: 30. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus comprising
- Claim: first adjustment means including first means for indicating first levels of decisional influence for a first simulated individual;
- Claim: first indicator means for displaying one at a time of at least two decisions of said first individual;
- Claim: second adjustment means including second means for indicating second levels of decisional influence for a second simulated individual;
- Claim: second indicator means for displaying one at a time of at least two decisions of said second individual;
- Claim: and device means for (A) causing said first decision indicator means to display one first individual decision when a total of decisional influence on said first individual, including said first levels and an influence due to said decisions of said second individual, exceeds a threshold and to display another first individual decision when the total of decisional influence on said first individual is less than said threshold and (B) causing said second decision indicator means to display one second individual decision when a total of decisional influence on said second individual, including said second levels and an influence due to said decisions of said first individual, exceeds a threshold and to display another second individual decision when the total of decisional influence on said second individual is less than said threshold
- Claim: said device means including means for also enabling the indication of the decision which would be made by said first individual in substantial isolation from said second individual decisions influence.
- Claim: 31. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 30 wherein
- Claim: said first and second adjustment means also respectively include first and second means for adjusting and indicating levels relating to attention to or compliance with said decisional influences for said first and second simulated individuals.
- Claim: 32. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 30 wherein
- Claim: said isolation decision means also includes means for variably attenuating at least said influence due to said decisions of said second individual and said attenuating means has adjustment and indication means for setting levels of emotional independence.
- Claim: 33. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 30 wherein
- Claim: said isolation decision enabling means comprises means for substantially turning off at least said influence due to said decisions of said second individual.
- Claim: 34. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 30 wherein
- Claim: said first and second adjustment means also respectively include first and second means for adjusting and indicating levels relating to attention to or compliance with said decisional influences for said first and second simulated individuals;
- Claim: said isolation decision enabling means includes first means for variably attenuating at least said influence due to said decisions of said second individual and said first attenuating means has first adjustment and indication means for setting levels of first emotional independence; and
- Claim: said device means further includes means for enabling the indication of the decisions which would be made by said second individual in substantial isolation from said first individual decision output influence including second means for variably attenuating at least said influence due to said decisions of said first individual and said second attenuating means has second adjustment and indication means for setting levels of second emotional independence.
- Claim: 35. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 30 wherein said apparatus further comprises means for providing changeable interpretations for at least said first and second adjustment means.
- Claim: 36. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 30 wherein said device means comprises
- Claim: first and second source means of first and second electrical decisional influence voltages respectively adjustable by said first and second adjustment means;
- Claim: means for providing first and second decision voltages depending on said decisions of said first and second individuals;
- Claim: first means for combining said first decisional influence voltage and said second decision voltage and causing said first decision indicator means to display said one first individual decision when said voltage so combined exceeds a first voltage threshold and to display said other first individual decision when said voltage so combined is less than said first voltage threshold;
- Claim: second means for combining said second decisional influence voltage and said first decision voltage and causing said second decision indicator means to display said one second individual decision when said voltage so combined exceeds a second voltage threshold and to display said other second individual decision when said voltage so combined is less than said second voltage threshold; and
- Claim: said isolation decision enabling means comprises means for substantially turning off at least said second decision voltage from said first combining means.
- Claim: 37. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 36 wherein said first and second adjustment means each comprise adjustment dials which indicate a form of personal desire and a form of social pressure.
- Claim: 38. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 37 wherein said apparatus further comprises variable resistance means, connected between said first and second decisional influence voltage source means and said first and second combining means respectively, said variable resistance means being attached to adjustment dial means for substantially indicating attention to own desire and compliance with society for said first individual and attention to own desire and compliance with society for said second individual respectively.
- Claim: 39. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 36 wherein said first and second combining means comprise
- Claim: resistances respectively connected to said first and second decisional influence voltage sources and said first and second decision voltage providing means, at least one of said resistances being variable, each said variable resistance being attached to a respective adjustment dial means for substantially indicating levels of independence from or compliance with the respective decision or decisional influence; and
- Claim: threshold level detector means connected to said resistances, said decision indicator means indicating and said decision voltage means acting in response to said threshold level detector means.
- Claim: 40. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus as claimed in claim 36 wherein said first and second decision voltages have alternative voltage values depending on said decisions of said first and second individuals and said decision voltage providing means includes means for manually reversing the alternative voltage values provided for each individual, said reversing means being associated with means for indicating an agreeable or contrary type of influence of each individual upon the other.
- Claim: 41. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus comprising
- Claim: a first decisionmaking simulation apparatus comprising
- Claim: first adjustment means for indicating at least one decisional influence for a first simulated individual;
- Claim: first indicator means for displaying one at a time of a plurality of decisions of said first individual;
- Claim: and first device means for operating said first decision indicator means in response to said first adjustment means, a physical output corresponding to each said decision being derivable;
- Claim: and a second decisionmaking simulation apparatus comprising
- Claim: second adjustment means including means for indicating levels of decisional influence for a second simulated individual;
- Claim: second device means, adjustable by said second adjustment means, for causing said second decision indicator means to display one decision when a total of decisional influence on said second individual exceeds a threshold and to display another decision when the total decisional influence on said second individual is less than said threshold, said physical output being able to cause an influence on said second device means in analogy with a decisional influence on said second individual; and
- Claim: whereby the effect of interpersonal relationship between said first and second simulated individuals is shown.
- Claim: 42. Social group simulation apparatus comprising
- Claim: a simulator of individual decisionmaking comprising
- Claim: adjustment means including first means for indicating first levels of a personal desire decisional influence for an individual;
- Claim: indicator means for displaying one at a time of at least two decisions of said individual;
- Claim: and device means adjustable by said adjustment means for causing said decision indicator means to display one decision when a total of decisional influence on said individual is greater than a threshold and to display another decision when the total decisional influence on said individual is less than said threshold, a first physical output corresponding to each said decision being derivable, said device means including means for substantially turning off said physical output; and
- Claim: social group body simulation means comprising
- Claim: a plurality of simulation units;
- Claim: a fanin comprising input resistances to said units, said input resistances being adjustable in statistical distribution, said first physical output being communicated to said fanin; and
- Claim: a fanout comprising a common connection to a decisional output of each of said simulation units, said fanout being adapted for bearing a common physical output for causing a physical influence on said device means analogous to a decisional influence.
- Claim: 43. Social group simulation apparatus as claimed in claim 42 wherein said fanout also is able to communicate with said fanin.
- Claim: 44. Social group simulation apparatus as claimed in claim 42 wherein said social group body simulation means further comprises personal desire decisional influence voltage source means connected to each of said simulation units.
- Claim: 45. Interpersonal relationship simulator apparatus comprising
- Claim: a first decisionmaking simulation apparatus adjustably indicating levels of one or more decisional influences upon a first simulated individual and displaying simulated decisions resulting from an action of forces in said first apparatus corresponding to said first decisional influences, a physical decision output being available from said first apparatus; and
- Claim: a second decisionmaking simulation apparatus adjustably indicating levels of one or more decisional influences upon a second simulated individual and displaying second simulated decisions, said physical decision output from said first apparatus causing an influence on said second apparatus in analogy with a decisional influence upon said second simulated individual, said second simulated decisions resulting from an action of forces in said second apparatus corresponding to said second decisional influences, whereby the simulation of interpersonal relationships is facilitated.
- Current U.S. Class: 35/22R
- Current International Class: G09B 1900
- Patent References Cited: 3166857 January 1965 Wood
3278736 October 1966 Pastoriza
3328803 June 1967 Schwerin
3418729 December 1968 Ravich
3600826 August 1971 Thomas
3748750 July 1973 Viemeister
3921310 November 1975 Smeda et al. - Other References: "Punish/Reward:Learning With a Critic in Adaptive Threshold Systems," Widrow et al., IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, vol. SMC-3, No. 5, Sept. 1973, pp. 455-457.
"Group Behavior of Robots," M. Kochen, Computers and Automation, vol. 6, No. 3, 1957, pp. 16-21, 48. - Primary Examiner: Oechsle, Anton O.
- الرقم المعرف: edspgr.04009525
- Patent Number:
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