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Think tanks y universidades ¿Complementarios o competidores?
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- المؤلفون: Lamo de Espinosa, Emilio
- نوع التسجيلة:
Electronic Resource
- الدخول الالكتروني :
- معلومة اضافية
- Additional Titles:
Universities and think tanks. Cooperation or competition?
- Publisher Information:
Federacion Española de Sociologia 2023-06-18T00:11:02Z 2023-06-18T00:11:02Z 2018
- نبذة مختصرة :
Hay muchos modos de investigar, muchos estilos. En este ensayo se trata de contrastar el modo universitario de investigar en ciencias sociales con el modo de investigar de los think tanks. La definición de problemas, el modo de abordarlos, la orientación temporal, la interdisciplinariedad y, finalmente, la audiencia a la que se dirigen y el medio de que se sirven, marcan contrastes claros. Un contraste que explica (al menos parcialmente) el creciente influjo de los think tanks en el discurso público frente a la menor relevancia de las universidades en el mismo. Y ello a pesar de que la investigación universitaria y básica es la fuente de la que, inevitablemente, se nutren los think tanks. Se concluye con una llamada de atención a la investigación académica en ciencias sociales para que intente recobrar la relevancia pública, perdida en buena medida por un prurito “cientifista” que corre el riesgo de aislarla.
There are many methods and styles of academic investigation. This essay tries to contrast the investigative methods of social scientists who do research in universities with those who work in think tanks. These clear contrasts include the mode of defining problems, the methods of approaching them, the temporal orientation, the interdisciplinary nature of the work, the intended audience, and the medium used to display the findings. A contrast that explains (at least partially) the growing influence of think tanks in public discourse is the shrinking relevance of universities in it, despite the fact that university research is the source from which, inevitably, think tanks are nourished. This essay concludes with a call for attention to academic research in the social sciences in order to regain its public relevance, largely lost by a “scientific” requirement that runs the risk of isolating it.
Depto. de Sociología: Metodología y Teoría
Fac. de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología
- الموضوع:
- Availability:
Open access content. Open access content
Atribución 3.0 España
open access
- Note:
- Other Numbers:
• Abelson, D. (2009). Do Think Tanks Matter?: Assessing the Impact of Public Policy Institutes (2nd ed.). Montreal, Canada: McGill-Queen’s University Press. • Arellano, A., Bellettini, O. (2014). Más saber América Latina: Understanding think tank-university relationships in Latin America. • Banerjee, A., Mishra, V. K., Sabharwal, N. S. (2014). Exploring effectiveness and impact: Think tank-university relationships in South Asia; Country study: India. New Delhi: Indian Institute of Dalit Studies. • Maitrot, M. (2014). Exploring effectiveness and impact: Think tank-university relationships in South Asia, the Bangladesh case. • McGann, J. G. (2013). 2012 Global go to think tanks index report. University of Pennsylvane Scholarly Commons. • Medvetz, T. (2012). Think tanks in America. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
- Contributing Source:
From OAIster®, provided by the OCLC Cooperative.
- الرقم المعرف:
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