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Mladi i klimatske promjene: osviještenost i namjere ponašanja
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- المؤلفون: Maglić, Marina; Pavlović, Tomislav; Franc, Renata
- المصدر:
Sociologija i prostor : časopis za istraživanje prostornoga i sociokulturnog razvoja; ISSN 1846-5226 (Print); ISSN 1849-0387 (Online); Volume 60; Issue 3 (225)
- نوع التسجيلة:
Electronic Resource
- الدخول الالكتروني :
- معلومة اضافية
- Additional Titles:
Youth and Climate Change: Awareness and Behavioural Intentions
- Publisher Information:
Institute for social research in Zagreb 2022
- نبذة مختصرة :
Unatoč sve većem zanimanju javnosti i javnim raspravama na temu klimatskih promjena uzrokovanih ljudskim djelovanjem, uočljiv je nedostatak istraživanja o stavovima i ponašanju mladih u vezi s klimatskim promjenama u hrvatskom kontekstu. Naime, iako su mladi budućnost svakog društva i nosioci razvoja, odnos njihove osviještenosti o klimatskim promjenama i namjera ponašanja u vidu smanjenja negativnog ljudskog utjecaja na okoliš nedovoljno je istražen. U ovom radu usmjerili smo se na ispitivanje odnosa osviještenosti mladih o klimatskim promjenama i namjera ponašanja u vidu smanjenja negativnog utjecaja na okoliš na temelju podataka 2134 učenika iz 28 srednjih škola u Republici Hrvatskoj, prikupljenih anketnim istraživanjem unutar projekta CHIEF. Testirali smo strukturne modele namjera sudjelovanja u aktivnostima u vezi sa zaštitom okoliša te osviještenosti o klimatskim promjenama, rodom sudionika, tipom školskog programa (gimnazijski/strukovni), procijenjenom mogućnošću učenja o klimatskim promjenama u školi te veličinom mjesta u kojem je škola smještena kao potencijalnim moderatorima navedenog odnosa. Provedene analize potvrdile su osviještenost o klimatskim promjenama kao značajnog prediktora opće spremnosti sudjelovanja u aktivnostima zaštite okoliša, ali i ukazale na to da snaga tog odnosa ovisi o rodu, tipu školskog programa i procijenjenoj mogućnosti učenja o klimatskim promjenama u školi.
Despite the growing public interest and debate on anthropogenic climate change, there is a noticeable lack of research on the attitudes and behaviour of young people in relation to climate change in the Croatian context. Namely, although young people are the future of every society and bearers of development, the relationship between their awareness of climate change and intentions towards reducing the negative human impact on the environment has been insufficiently researched. In this paper, we focused on examining the above-mentioned relationship based on the data of 2,134 students from 28 secondary schools in the Republic of Croatia, collected within the CHIEF project survey. We tested structural models of intentions to participate in activities related to environmental protection and awareness of the importance of such action, with participant gender, type of school programme (grammar/vocational), and perceived availability of teaching content related to environmental protection as potential moderators of the aforementioned relationship. The conducted analyses confirmed awareness of climate change as a significant predictor of general willingness to participate in environmental protection activities, but also indicated that the strength of this relationship is moderated by gender, type of school program and the estimated learning opportunities regarding climate change at school.
- الموضوع:
- Availability:
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- Contributing Source:
From OAIster®, provided by the OCLC Cooperative.
- الرقم المعرف:
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