نبذة مختصرة : Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients with vitamin D deficiency show an increased risk of hospital admission, surgery, and loss of response to biologic therapy while high vitamin D levels are identified as a protective factor. Our goal was to investigate the prevalence of untreated and undertreated vitamin D deficiency and factors associated with vitamin D deficiency. In this cross-sectional study, we measured serum vitamin D in a random sample of Caucasian IBD patients. Vitamin D deficiency was defined as <50 nmol/L and insufficiency as 50-75 nmol/L. Supplementation was defined as taking 800-2000 IU vitamin D daily. Untreated patients were defined as not taking supplementation and undertreated group as receiving supplementation but showing vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency despite treatment. Our study included 185 IBD patients, i.e. 126 (68.1%) with Crohn’s disease (CD) and 59 (31.9%) with ulcerative colitis (UC). Overall, 108 (58.4%) patients had vitamin D deficiency and 60 (32.4%) patients vitamin D insufficiency. There were 16 (14.8%) and 11 (18.3%) treated patients in vitamin D deficiency and vitamin D insufficiency group, respectively. The rate of untreated patients was 81.7% (n=49) in vitamin D deficiency group and 85.2% (n=92) in vitamin D insufficiency group. Tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors were associated with higher serum vitamin D levels in CD and UC, and ileal involvement, ileal and ileocolonic resection with lower levels. In conclusion, not only is vitamin D deficiency common in IBD patients but the proportion of untreated and undertreated patients is considerably high. We suggest regular monitoring of vitamin D levels in IBD patients regardless of receiving vitamin D supplementation therapy.
Bolesnici s upalnim bolestima crijeva (inflammatory bowel disease, IBD) i manjkom vitamina D su pod povećanim rizikom hospitalizacije, operacije i gubitka odgovora na biološku terapiju, dok visoke serumske razine vitamina D predstavljaju zaštitni čimbenik. Cilj ove studije bio je istražiti učestalost neliječenih i nedovoljno liječenih bolesnika s IBD i manjkom vitamina D te čimbenike rizika. U ovoj presječnoj studiji mjerene su serumske razine vitamina D u slučajnom uzorku bolesnika s IBD bijele rase. Deficijencija je definirana kao razine <50 nmol/L, a insuficijencija kao 50-75 nmol/L. Nadoknada vitamina D je definirana kao uzimanje 800-2000 IJ vitamina D na dan. Neliječeni bolesnici su oni bez nadoknade, a nedovoljno liječeni oni s deficijencijom ili insuficijencijom usprkos nadoknadi. Uključeno je ukupno 185 bolesnika s IBD, tj. 126 (68,1%) s Crohnovom bolešću i 59 (31,9%) s ulceroznim kolitisom. Ukupno je 108 (58,4%) bolesnika imalo deficijenciju, a 60 (32,4%) insuficijenciju. Udio liječenih bolesnika s deficijencijom i insuficijencijom vitamina D iznosio je 14,8% (n=16) i 18,3% (n=11). Udio neliječenih s deficijencijom iznosio je 81,7% (n=49), a s insuficijencijom 85,2% (n=92). Terapija inhibitorima faktora tumorske nekroze alfa bila je povezana s višim razinama vitamina D. Niže razine vitamina D su zabilježene kod bolesnika s upalom u području ileuma i resekcijom ileuma ili ileokolona. U zaključku, niske serumske razine vitamina D su česta pojava kod bolesnika s IBD, a dodatno je udio neliječenih i nedovoljno liječenih također visok. Naša preporuka je kontinuirano praćenje razina vitamina D u serumu svih bolesnika s IBD uključujući i one na nadoknadi vitaminom D.
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