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Procjena dentalne dobi na temelju atlasa dentalnog razvoja u populaciji djece/adolescenata sa sistemskim bolestima
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- معلومة اضافية
- Additional Titles:
Dental Age Estimation based on Development Dental Atlas Assessment in a Child/Adolescent Population with Systemic Diseases
- Publisher Information:
Croatian Dental Society - Croatian Medical Association University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine 2019
- نبذة مختصرة :
Uvod : Forenzička procjena kronološke dobi sve je važnija u identifikaciji trupala, ali i živih pojedinaca zbog sve češće imigracije i trgovine ljudima bez dokumenata. Cilj: Željelo se validirati već postojeći atlas mineralizacije i erupcije zuba kod normalne djece i adolescenata za procjenu kronološke dobi mlade populacije s posebnim potrebama, uglavnom sa sistemskim bolestima. Materijal metode: Iz dviju neovisnih medicinskih ustanova prikupljen je uzorak od 163 ortopantomograma od 133 pacijenta u dobi od 4 do 23 godine. Podijeljeni su u dvije skupine – prvu u kojoj je bilo 95 pacijenata sa sistemskim bolestima koje ostavljaju posljedice na razvoj zuba i drugu od 68 pacijenata sa sistemskim bolestima bez posljedica na zube. Dentalna dob procijenjena je na temelju Londonova atlasa na lijevoj strani maksile, a zatim neovisno i na desnoj. Izračunate su i analizirane razlike između procijenjene i kronološke dentalne dobi i apsolutne vrijednosti. Rezultati: Dobivene su statistički značajne razlike između procijenjene i kronološke dobi, no uočen je opći trend podcjenjivanja, osim za ispitanike mlađe od 12 godina. Ipak, podcjenjivanje dobi kod mlađih od 16 godina nije bilo značajno (prosječno manje od jednog mjeseca), ali je bilo prilično za one starije od 16 godina (u prosjeku više od 26 mjeseci). Nadalje, za osobe sa sistemskim bolestima koje ostavljaju posljedice na zubima dobivena je veća pogreška u podcjenjivanju, što upućuje na to da bi se srednje vrijednosti trebale preispitati kod osoba s Downovim sindromom, kromosomskim promjenama, sindromima i poremećajima središnjega živčanog sustava. Zaključak: Ovaj Atlas može se upotrijebiti za procjenu dobi u populaciji s posebnim potrebama sa sistemskim bolestima, ali predlažemo daljnja istraživanja s većim međunarodnim uzorkom kako bi se stvorili odgovarajući atlasi za sve potrebne situacije, uglavnom dijagrami za oboljele od sistemskih bolesti starije od 16 godina.
Background: Forensic estimation of chronological age has played an increasingly important role as part of cadaver identification, and also in living individuals due to the phenomenon of immigration and sexual abuse of undocumented trafficked children. Objective: This research aimed to validate the already used dental mineralization and eruption atlas in normal children and adolescent population in estimating chronological age in a young population, particularly those with special needs, majority of them with systemic diseases. Participants and Setting: A sample of 163 orthopantomograms from two independent medical institutions was collected from 133 patients aged between 4 and 23 years. Method: The orthopantomograms were divided into two groups, 95 from patients with systemic pathologies that have repercussions on dental development and 68 with systemic pathologies without dental repercussions. Dental ages were estimated by the London Atlas using the left side and then independently the right side of the maxilla. The intraobserver and interobserver agreements were evaluated. The difference between dental age estimates and the chronological age and its absolute value were calculated and analyzed.Results: Statistically significant differences were found between estimates and chronological age, revealing a general prevalence for underestimation; except for those under the age of 12. Nevertheless, the underestimation in individuals under the age of 16 was not significant (with an average of less than one month), while the underestimation was significant for persons who were at least 16 years old (with an average over 26 months). Furthermore, for those persons with systemic diseases with dental repercussions a greater error in underestimation was obtained, which indicates that the midpoint values should be reassessed in persons with Down’s syndrome, chromosomal alterations, syndromes and central nervous system disorders. Conclusions: This atlas can be potentially used as
- الموضوع:
- Availability:
Open access content. Open access content
Copyright: Author’s. Published by: University of Zagreb School of Dental Medicine; Croatian Dental Society, Croatian Medical Association. All articles are freely available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivates 4.0 International Licence. This license allows others to download works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can’t change them in any way or use them commercially. Annual subscription fee for printed journal Abroad: 50€ for Europe and 60€ outside Europe to be paid to account No. IBAN: HR7423600001101235285, SWIFT: ZABA HR2X Zagrebacka banka marked “For ASCRO”.
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From OAIster®, provided by the OCLC Cooperative.
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