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Emocionalni odgovor na posao zdravstvenih suradnika zaposlenih u bolničkom zdravstvenom sustavu Republike Hrvatske

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  • المؤلفون: Nevenka Kišak Gverić
  • المصدر:
    Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja; ISSN 1331-3010 (Print); ISSN 1848-7734 (Online); Volume 49; Issue 1
  • نوع التسجيلة:
    Electronic Resource
  • الدخول الالكتروني :
  • معلومة اضافية
    • Additional Titles:
      Emotional Response to Work in Health Associates Employed in Public Health Hospital System in Republic of Croatia
    • Publisher Information:
      University of Zagreb Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences 2013
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Kao dio šireg istraživanja emocionalnog dobrostanja zdravstvenih suradnika, rad se bavi njihovim emocijama prema poslu. U tu svrhu istražit će se dobne razlike u samoprocjeni emocionalnih odgovora na posao te priroda njihove povezanosti s kontraproduktivnim ponašanjima i fizičkim simptomima stresa. Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 112 zdravstvenih suradnika zaposlenih u bolničkom zdravstvenom sustavu Republike Hrvatske koji su dragovoljno i cjelovito popunili upitnik. Temelji se na 4 mjerna instrumenta, koja su služila za procjenu emocionalnih odgovora na posao, pojavu kontraproduktivnih ponašanjana poslu i fizičkih simptoma stresa te dobivanja uvida u sociodemografska obilježja ispitanika. U svrhu ostvarivanja ciljeva u obradi podataka korištene su: deskriptivnaanaliza, faktorska analiza, analiza varijance ikanonička korelacijska analiza. Rezultati pokazuju da je za najmlađe zdravstvene suradnike karakteristično istovremeno doživljavanje pozitivnih i negativnih emocija, a za najstarije, veće doživljavanje pozitivnih emocija. Najmanje pozitivnih emocija doživljavaju zdravstveni suradnici srednje dobne skupine, koje posao najviše zamara i čini tjeskobnim. Doživljavanje negativnih emocija prema poslu povezano je s povećanom učestalošću kontraproduktivnih ponašanja i fizičkih simptoma stresa. Iako izvjesno ograničenje predstavljaju prigodni uzorak ispitanika, metoda samoiskaza i prikupljanje podataka u jednoj vremenskoj točki, dobiveni rezultati koji odgovaraju dosadašnjim empririjskim spoznajama, poslužili su kao polazna točka daljnjim istraživanjima (u tijeku) kojima će se utvrditi osobna i organizacijska obilježja koja doprinose pojavi određenih emocionalnih odgovora na posao. Na taj način proširit će se spoznaje o emocionalnom dobrostanju zdravstvenih suradnika, koje mogu imati praktičnu upotrebljivost pri kreiranju odgovarajućih programa podrške i pomoći ovim profilima pomagača.Ovim istraživanjem identificirane su dobne skupine kojima bi trebali biti namijenjeni, te po
      As a part of wider research of emotional well-being of health associates, this research investigates their emotional response to work. For that purpose we investigated age related differences in self perception of emotional responses to work and the nature of their connection to contra productive behavior and physiological disturbances as symptoms of stress. 112 health associates employed in public health system in hospitals in Croatia have been included into the research by questionnaire, which they willingly filled in. The questionnaire was based on 4 measuring instruments that were used to evaluate emotional responses to work, contra productive behaviors at work, physiological disturbances and to gain an insight into socio-demographic characteristics of examenees. Descriptive analysis, factor analysis, variance analysis, Scheffe's Post-hoc Test and cannonical correlation analysis were used in process of gaining valid data. In youngest health associates, with least working experience, feeling positive and negative emotions at the same time is characteristical, as it is feeling only positive emotions in those with the most working experience. Positive emotions are the least present in middle-aged associates, who are mostly frustrated by their work. Negative emotions at work are connected with more frequent contraproductive behaviors and with physical symptoms of stress. Although there is a certain research limit concerningconvenient sample, self given statements by the examinees and one timeline information gathering, the results were as expected, they confirmed those in literature as well as the results of other similar research, and they match empirical knowledge. They became a starting point for further research (which is in progress), which will determine personal and organizational characteristics that contribute to emergence of certain emotional responses to work. In that way the knowledge of emotional well-being of health associates can be shared and it can
    • الموضوع:
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      Open access content. Open access content
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    • Contributing Source:
      From OAIster®, provided by the OCLC Cooperative.
    • الرقم المعرف: