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Kad u matematici 'više' zapravo znači 'manje': Analiza uspješnosti u rješavanju problemskih zadataka usporedbe

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Additional Titles:
      When in Math 'More' Really Means 'Less': Analysis of Children's Achievement in Solving Compare Word Problems
    • Publisher Information:
      Faculty of Arts and Scieneces 2011
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio ispitati kako se u nižim razredima osnovne škole mijenja uspješnost u rješavanju usklađenih i neusklađenih zadataka usporedbe, koje se kategorije pogrešaka javljaju pri rješavanju ovih zadataka te utvrditi jesu li dobiveni rezultati u skladu s hipotezom usklađenosti Lewisa i Mayera (1987). U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 285 učenika od 1. do 4. razreda osnovne škole. Oni su ispitani individualno usklađenim i neusklađenim zadacima usporedbe. Pokazalo se da postoje razlike u uratku i s obzirom na vrstu zadatka i s obzirom na razred, kao i interakcija ovih dviju varijabli. Učenici su uspješnije rješavali usklađene zadatke od neusklađenih. Ta je razlika bila najveća za učenike 1. razreda, a u svakom je sljedećem razredu bila manja, iako su i učenici 4. razreda bili uspješniji u usklađenim zadacima. Jasniji je uvid u razloge ovakvih razlika pružila analiza pogrešaka koje su učenici činili pri rješavanju zadataka. Pokazalo se da je, za razliku od usklađenih zadataka, dominantna pogreška pri rješavanju neusklađenih zadataka bila pogreška suprotne računske operacije. Ovi su nalazi u skladu s hipotezom usklađenosti Lewisa i Mayera (1987), prema kojoj rješavači zadataka usporedbe obično koriste shemu za rješavanje usklađenih zadataka, zbog čega će u neusklađenim zadacima primijeniti računsku operaciju koja je suprotna od potrebne.
      language comparative problems in lower primary school classes. Specifically which categories of errors children make while solving these problems and to determine whether the results are in accordance with Lewis and Mayer's (1987) consistency hypothesis. Participants were 285 first to fourth grade elementary school students. They were tested individually with consistent language and inconsistent language comparative problems. The results show that there are differences in achievement regarding the type of problem and grade, as well as an interaction between these two variables. The students were more successful in solving consistent language problems than inconsistent language problems. This difference was largest for the 1st grade students, and it was smaller in every subsequent grade, although 4th grade students were also more successful in solving consistent language problems. To better understand the reasons for these differences, we analyzed children's errors in solving both kinds of problems. When solving inconsistent language problems, the participants most frequently committed a reversal error, using the opposite arithmetical operation to solve the problem. These results are in accordance with Lewis and Mayer's (1987) consistency hypothesis, which asserts that individuals develop a schema for the consistent language relational statements and because of that use the opposite arithmetical operation in inconsistent language problems.
    • الموضوع:
    • Note:
    • Other Numbers:
    • Contributing Source:
      From OAIster®, provided by the OCLC Cooperative.
    • الرقم المعرف: