نبذة مختصرة : Purpose: Although it has been frequently confirmed that HLA-G plays an important role in thereproduction and pregnancy, the pattern of HLA-G gene and its protein expression are rarelyaddressed in studies. Therefore we conducted this study in regard to evaluate the HLA-G geneand its protein expression in the women’s placenta with recurrent miscarriage.Methods: Placental samples were obtained from the women who were admitted for deliveryor abortion in Al Zahra and Taleghani hospitals, Tabriz, Iran. HLA-G gene expression wasdetermined by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and HLA-G protein expression wasassessed by western blotting and immunofluorescence staining in the tissue samples.Results: The results showed a significant decrease in the expression of gene and proteins ofHLA-G in the women with recurrent miscarriage compared to the control placental tissues.Conclusion: According to the obtained results, it was concluded that the decrement of HLA-Ggene and protein expressions are associated with recurrent miscarriage. Since there areconflicting results from other studies, it is suggested to conduct a more comprehensive similarstudy with greater sample size.
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