نبذة مختصرة : In October - November 2024, were held presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova. 11 candidates entered the electoral race. Each of the 11 candidates presented to the electorate their electoral program in which they expressed their views on the important issues of contemporary Moldovan society, including the foreign policy of the Republic of Moldova. The purpose of the research is to elucidate the views of the candidates for the position of President of the Republic of Moldova on foreign policy issues. The electoral competition was characterized by the absence of extensive electoral debates, with candidates focusing more on criticizing the government than on presenting their own visions and offering reliable solutions to existing problems and challenges. The candidates' electoral platforms were not related to the constitutional attributions of the President of the Republic of Moldova and abounded in populist promises. The contents of the candidates' messages were declarative and did not offer viable, reasoned and feasible solutions to the existing problems in Moldovan society. The majority of candidates avoided expressing their own attitudes, approaches and solutions to the complex regional and global problems of international relations.
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