نبذة مختصرة : Platelet-reach plasma (PRP) has been used in medicine for more than 30 years. A large amount of data concerning the efficiency of its use in different fields of medicine were collected during this period. PRP-products are undoubtedly safe and effective tissue regeneration stimulants. But, nevertheless, there are certain controversies regarding PRP clinical application. This situation is caused by significant differences in methods of its preparation and approaches to its clinical use. Objectives. To summarize the available literature data concerning the preparation methods, composition, mechanisms of action and application fields of different PRP-products. We also made an attempt to create their unified classification. Material and methods. To get necessary information a review of literature data (mostly reviews) on this topic was made by us. Results. The action of different varieties of PRP is based on the release of bioactive substances from platelets’ α-granules. Additionally, some other components, such as leucocytes, fibrin and hyaluronic acid, may make a certain contribution to the PRP action. Activated PRP has a grater biological activity in comparison with the non-activated one. PRP-products are widely used in the field of traumatology, cosmetology and trichology, surgery and proctology, gynecology and urology. As a result of this work our own synthetic classification of PRP has been created by us. Conclusions. PRP-products can be used as a safe and effective injured tissue regeneration stimulant. The use of different types of PRP should be based on the specificity of the pathology treated. To expand the range of indications for PRP and to develop preparation methods of PRP with specific characteristics further studies are needed.
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