نبذة مختصرة : Introduction. The cataclysms of market changes in the industry of Ukraine and its regions require their accelerated neo-industrialization based on Industry 4.0. Of course, the latest industry based on cyber-physical systems and Internet technologies, in principle, can not develop without creating a modern innovation infrastructure. Formulation of the problem. In this context, the role of theoretical generalizations on the innovative development of industry and specific studies of the relationship between the stages of the innovation cycle and subsystems of the innovation infrastructure are increasing. Purpose: to outline the basic theories and concepts of innovative industrial development and features of the development of innovative infrastructure (by stages of the innovation process) in the conditions of neo-industrialization of Ukraine and its regions. The presentation of the material of the article. The article analyzes the theories and concepts of innovative development of industrial production based on the ideas of J. Schumpeter. The theory (model) of the "triple helix" is considered, which is one of the modern variants of the innovative theory of economic growth, and also its related concepts: entrepreneurial university, innovative ecosystems, open innovation platforms, smart specializations and clusters. It is noted that the formation of innovative ecosystems in Ukraine and its regions is impossible without the creation of such an important component as innovative infrastructure. Accordingly, the problems, features and prospects of its development at all stages of the innovation process are considered, namely: initiation and marketing of innovations; basic and applied research; research and development; transfer and commercialization of innovative products; production of innovative products; sale of innovative products. The specifics of organizational, institutional, financial and human resources for the development of innovative infrastructure are also covered. Results and Discussion. Taking into account foreign experience, in particular the USA and EU countries, the possibilities of practical application of the theories and concepts on which the development of innovative infrastructure is based in Ukraine have been identified. It is shown that the development of innovative infrastructure can accelerate the neo-industrialization of Ukraine and its regions based on Industry 4.0. Conclusions. In the conditions of neo-industrialization of Ukraine and its regions, the theories and concepts of development of innovative infrastructure come to the fore. On this basis, all subsystems of innovation infrastructure can be built in Ukraine and its regions according to the stages of the innovation process. It will not be superfluous to consider foreign experience. Keywords: neo-industrialization (Ukraine and its regions), Industry 4.0, innovation, innovation process, innovation infrastructure, innovative development.
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