نبذة مختصرة : Scientists’ misconduct in their research activities is an important problem for science in many countries, including Russia. It leads to negative consequences both for the quality of scientific knowledge obtained and for the reputation of researchers and scientific organizations. However, there is still a small number of empirical studies of this problem in Russia. This work is based on a survey method to explore the ideas of young scientists from all federal districts of Russia about research ethics and the situations of ethical dilemmas that they encounter in their work. In accordance with the chosen theoretical framework: ideas about ethics as an action that is situational by nature, determined by sustainable practices and patterns, the survey was conducted in two stages: an open question about situations of ethical choice in research activities, on the basis of which a detailed questionnaire was then created. As a result, it was revealed that the vast majority of young scientists are faced with situations of violation of ethical standards both in scientific publications and communications, and in the processes of organizing research work. Violations of research procedures, data manipulation, falsification of research results – this is a set of violations in the organization of research that almost three-quarters of respondents encountered themselves or heard about such situations from colleagues. However, there are gaps in consensus about the sources of knowledge about ethics and a lack of institutional practices to prevent violations such as the work of ethics committees or ethical standards.
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