نبذة مختصرة : 近年來批判教育學逐漸成為臺灣教育社會學領域中的重要論述,對於反省臺灣教育的深層結構和實踐提出許多的質疑和呼籲。本文主要探討兩個面向:一是了解批判教育學的學說特徵,將之視為一種對抗權力、朝向主體解放的文化論述和民主實踐;二是探討當代批判教育學所遭受的批評和學說分歧,了解批判教育學的不同修正版本,並將上述現象視為文本政治的過程。結語部分包含對批判教育學在臺灣的觀察和省思。 Critical Pedagogy has become an increasing important academic discourse in the field of sociology of education recently which provided many questions and warnings for reflecting the structure and practice of education in Taiwan. Briefly, there are two main domains in this articles: one is to clarify the characters of critical pedagogy by treating it as the discourses and practice toward struggle of power, liberation and praxis of democracy, the other is to investigate the criticism and division of critical pedagogy, explore different versions of critical pedagogy and put it as a process of textual politics. The conclusion including the discussions about the influences and implications of critical pedagogy in Taiwan and some reflections.
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