نبذة مختصرة : This study was conducted on nine Sharabi dairy cows at same weights (390±35 kg) and production season (second and third) and cows during first month of calving which were chosen from Sharabi cows farm, Al- Rashedia Station, Department of Agricultural Researches, Nineveh. They were divided into three groups. The fenugreek seed powder was used as a feed additives to the basal ration at a level 50 or 100 g./cow /day for 2nd and 3rd groups, respectively, while the1st group was left as a control ration. Cows were fed individually on basal ration according to developing of body weight and milk production during six weeks, milk production and chemical composition were measured. The results indicated that the amount of feed intake was significantly (P≤0.05) increased for 3rd group, also the normal and adjusted milk yield, fat percentage, value of ration /kg normal milk and milk adjusted were increased significantly (P≤0.05), also the cost for production of one kg of milk was reduced mathematically for 2nd and 3rd groups as compared to those in the 1st group. In conclusion, using 100 g of fenugreek seed powder per cow per day had improved milk production and fat percentage of milk for Sharabi cows.
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