نبذة مختصرة : Dairy calf social development and responses to novelty are influenced by social contact, but longer-term implications of early life social housing for response to novelty in weaned calves are less clear. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of preweaning social housing on how dairy calves respond to novel feed and objects a few days following weaning and grouping. At birth, calves were alternately assigned to either individual (IH; n = 22 calves) or pair housing (PH; n = 18 pairs; 1 focal calf enrolled/pair). Following weaning (at 53.4 ± 2.0 d; mean ± standard deviation), calves were mingled between treatments and group-housed with calves born the same week (4 to 6 calves/pen; 12 total groups). Beginning at 56.4 ± 2 d of age, calves were exposed to 2 novel feed tests (sliced carrots and chopped red apples) conducted in the home pen on consecutive days. Following novel feed tests, a subset of calves (n = 11 IH and n = 9 PH calves, from separate paired pens) was exposed to a novel object test, conducted individually in a testing arena. During novel feed tests, the latency to contact the novel feed did not differ between treatments but previously IH calves spent more time at the feed trough (6.9 vs. 4.3 min/h, IH vs. PH, standard error = 0.25). In the novel object test, latency to contact the novel object and duration of contact did not differ between previous housing treatments but previously IH calves moved around the arena more. These results suggest that preweaning social housing had some carryover effects on behavioral responses during novel feed and novel object tests a few days following weaning and grouping, potentially reflecting differences in social feeding behavior and activity in a novel space, but avoidance of the novel object and feed were not affected.
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