نبذة مختصرة : Noise and Noise protection are one of the most current topics of environmental law, bearing Noise and Noise protection are one of the most current topics of environmental law, bearing in mind that fast technical and technological development of the countries in the last half century has caused multiple pollution of the environment, which is reflected, inter alia, in the increasingly negative impact of noise on human life. The positive law of the Republic of Serbia in the field of noise protection makes the Law on noise protection from 2009, together with a number of by-laws that allow its implementation. Having in mind that the Republic of Serbia has acquired the status of candidate for European Union membership in 2012, there is a formal obligation of our country to harmonize its legislation with the acquis communautaire. The European Commission has conducted a detailed analytical overview of chapter 27 on environmental issues in the form of a screening report, which is the starting point for the analysis of the harmonization of our legal system with the EU acquis in the field of noise protection. Post-screening report together with the documents from the bilateral meetings of Serbian representatives with the representatives of the European Commission give directions to our legislator in which direction future amendments and supplements to the existing laws should go.
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