نبذة مختصرة : The present work aims to shed light on the question of whether certain psychological characteristics go along with choosing an e-coach offer to support healthy Internet use when reporting elevated Internet Use Disorder (IUD) tendencies. Data were from a large-scale stepped care approach study to treat persons with varying degrees of IUD tendencies. Recruitment for advertising the download of a smartphone app included social media, videos by influencers, paid ads, TV, radio, newspapers, workshops, and vocational schools. We contrasted a final sample of 184 declining, 907 agreeing, and 216 agreeing but not providing follow-up details needed to use such an e-coach, as well as 995 who did not explicitly decline or agree to participate (but refrained from using the e-coach). Participants were compared on several study variables, including sociodemographics, mental health, fear of missing out, personality, perceived stress, and IUD tendencies. Interestingly, we observed only two significant findings when contrasting the aforementioned groups using ANOVA. First, the group not agreeing to use the e-coach was associated with the lowest IUD tendencies and highest conscientiousness scores. Second, agreeing to use the e-coach was associated with older age. Further significant differences could be observed, but in general the accompanying effect sizes were very mild. In sum, the present study findings support the idea that greater subjective burden of IUD might result in more willingness to seek e-help, but also the personality trait of conscientiousness and a person’s age might play a role here.
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