نبذة مختصرة : Objective: In spite that Iran's law has undergone changes throughout the history, its connection with jurisprudence is as strong as in the past, as it refers to jurisprudential rules in searching and processing legal rules. Due to the fact that voluntary activities in libraries are new topics, therefore, in the legal examination of it, the mentioned rules will definitely be referred to, but how to apply these rules in legal examinations in general and in the examination of voluntary activities in libraries in particular, has not been studied so far. The present research tries to show that jurisprudence rules can be used in legal examination only with a certain framework. Methodology: The required data was collected using the library method and analysis with jurisprudential and legal logic and balanced use of rational perceptions. The scope of legal studies is limited to Iranian law and the scope of jurisprudence studies is limited to Imami jurisprudence. Findings: The activity of the "rule of beneficence", was concluded that voluntarily activities in libraries means that a person who undertakes such an activity cannot be blamed for the results of these activities, since his work is beneficial. The "rules of action" indicates that since the person has denied the right of receiving salary with his own will, the library will not be responsible for the denial of salary entitlement. Conclusion: Application of the two mentioned rules in the legal review is not absolute and includes religious and rational framework. Its religious framework is derived from the relevant rational that if these two rules cause harm, they are not attributed to the religious legislator. The rational framework is the result of rational perception that does not allow the application of these two rules to have unfair results. Therefore, it cannot be considered responsible for a person conducting voluntary activity in one hand and the library organization on the other hand in the legal review of voluntary activity in Iranian libraries, referring to the above jurisprudential rules. The lack of a framework for jurisprudential rules in their legal use, especially in new matters such as voluntary activities in Iranian libraries, causes their implementation without any restrictions, while this application and lack of restrictions may not be intended by the Sharia and customary legislators. It is not intended by the parties for voluntary activities in libraries and may cause violation of Sharia, moral, human and rational principles. If the mentioned framework is taken into consideration, we will not have any shari'a and moral inconsistency in the use of jurisprudential rules in legal review. Iranian law researchers believe that all dimensions of jurisprudential rules are predetermined and no longer require research. But the fact that, this is not the case, and an important matter such as how to use them and their frameworks has not been researched so far. The present research is the first research regarding the application of jurisprudential rules in Iran's legal reviews and the legal review of voluntary activities in Iranian libraries. Therefore, the continuation of research in this direction is strongly suggested.
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