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Pregled zgodovine psihiatričnih bolnišnic do konca 19. stoletja in prvi pacienti oddelka za »blazne« v Ljubljani skozi njihove diagnoze ; An overview of the history of psychiatric hospitals until the end of the 19th century and the first patients of the department for the »lunatics« in Ljubljana through their diagnoses

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Contributors:
      Cergol Paradiž, Ana
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      University of Ljubljana: Repository (RUJ) / Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Diplomska naloga se ukvarja s spremembo, ki jo koncept »norosti« in »patološkega« doživi od prvih identifikacij duševnih bolezni pa do konca 19. stoletja, pri čemer je posebna pozornost namenjena oskrbi duševnih bolnikov z vidika pristojnosti, in kasneje iz vidika diagnoz, ki so jim jih pripisali. Naloga obravnava tudi pregled zgodnjih psihiatričnih tradicij (primer Avstrije in Francije) ter zgodovino ustanov (primer Anglije in Kranjske). Na primeru prvega oddelka za blazne v Ljubljani pa poskuša skozi diagnoze pacientov med letoma 1818 in 1843 osvetliti, kaj je bilo razumljeno za blazno. Ključno vprašanje, na katerega poskuša naloga odgovoriti, je, kakšna je bila razlika med žensko in med moško izkušnjo v tem prvem obdobju institucionalizirane oskrbe duševnih bolnikov in kako lahko skozi to izkušnjo osvetlimo odnos do žensk v tem istem obdobju. ; The undergraduate thesis deals with the change that the concept of »mad« and »pathological« experiences since the first identifications of mental diseases and until the end of the 19th century. Wherein special attention is given to the care of the mental patients from the perspective of jurisdiction, and later from the perspective of diagnoses ascribed to these patients. Another topic covered in the thesis is the overview of the early psychiatric traditions (the example of Austria and France), and the history of institutions (the example of England and Carniola region). Within the case of the first department for the insane in Ljubljana and the diagnoses of the patients between 1818 and 1843, the thesis tries to illuminate what was considered mad. A key question posed is what the difference was between the female and the male experience during this first period of institutionalized care for mental patients. Can we illuminate the position of women in the 19th century through that experience?
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    • الرقم المعرف: