نبذة مختصرة : This study was designed to examine the effects of supplementation with husk extract of garlic (Allium sativum) in the feed of dairy goats containing sufficient amount of organic minerals (Selenium, Chromium and Zinc) on the fermentation and microbes in the rumen. The materials used in this study were the rumen fluid of goat, goat ration composed of 60% grass, 35% tofu, and 5% concentrate (CP 11.90%, CF 28.57%, 60.94% TDN). The research method was experimental using a completely randomized design (CRD). The treatments were tested, namely R0: control diet; R1: R0 + Cr + 1.5 ppm 40 ppm Zn lysinat + 0.3 ppm Se; R2: R1 + 15 ppm of garlic husk extract (Allium sativum); R3: R1 + 30 ppm garlic husk extracts ; R4: R1 + 45 ppm of garlic husk extrat; and R5: R1 + 60 ppm garlic husk extract. The results showed that the treatment effect on a decrease in dry matter (DMD) and organic matter digestibility (OMD), protozoa and total gas in total, however, there was an increase in total VFA concentrations. The treatment gave a linear response to the DMD, ie Y = 50.412 - 0.1651X and OMD, Y = -0.1768X + 50.319. However, in response VFA is cubic, with a line equation Y = 203.16 - 3.2646X + 0.2447X2- 0.0033X3. It culd be concluded that supplementation of garlic husk extract and organic minerals can improve rumen fermentation with the best level at 25 ppm.
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