نبذة مختصرة : The present article is an effort of theoretical synthesis related to the concept of region, of the relation of hierarchy that is established between the cities and the different structures of urban networks. The present paper is based on a bibliographical review on the themes in question, based on the definition of the region presented by Kayser (1968). The concept of city-region as an eminently political issue is presented in the works of Arrais (2008), Fresca (2010), Oliveira (2006) and Soja (2006) (1995 and 2016), Lemos (2006) and Lipietz (1988) emphasize the role of the state in regional politics. Cantillon and Steuart were pioneers in approaching the relationship of hierarchy established between cities, however, Christaller (1961), for the highlight of his work, is the basis for the discussion of this theme, from which the different structures of urban networks, Addressed from Corrêa (2011) and Santos (2008). The definition of a region is a theoretical construction whose delimitation must take place in terms of offers of goods and services, to the detriment of characteristics of the population and / or geographic. It is the economic flows that define the hierarchy between cities and the central city is placed as pole. The existence of a polo city is one of the determinants presented in the concept of Kayser region and it is the behavior of the economic relations of these cities that characterize the different structures of urban networks. It is incumbent upon the State to intervene in order to contain the serious distortions in space caused by the free market action. ; O presente artigo é um esforço de síntese teórica relacionada ao conceito de região, da relação de hierarquia que se estabelece entre as cidades e as diferentes estruturas de redes urbanas. A condução do presente texto se dá a partir da revisão bibliográfica que versa sobre os temas em questão, tomando como base a definição de região apresentada por Kayser (1968). Com referência nos trabalhos de Arrais (2008), Fresca (2010), Oliveira (2006) e ...
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