نبذة مختصرة : U diplomskom radu je prikazan i opisan prijedlog izrade površinskog kopa tehničko-građevnog kamena ''Ciganska Dražica'' kod Delnica s ciljem proračuna rezervi. Opisano je postojeće stanje terena te su navedene osnovne, geološke i klimatske značajke eksploatacijskog polja i područja oko njega. Korištenjem Bentley-evog programa Power InRoads izrađen je 3D model terena te 3D model kopa s istražnim poljem, istražnim radovima i rezervama mineralne sirovine. Za kraj je napravljen izračun obujma za proračun rezervi pomoću metode paralelnih presjeka te metode računalnog modeliranja zbog usporedbi dobivenih vrijednosti. ; This Master's thesis presents and describes proposal for the construction of a surface mine of technical-building stone ‘’Ciganska Draţica’’ near Delnice with the aim of calculating reserves. The existing condition of the terrain is described and the basic, geological and climatic features of the exploitation field and the area around it are given. Using Bentley's Power InRoads program, a 3D terrain model and a 3D mine model were created with an exploration field, exploration works and mineral reserves. At the end, the volume of reserves was calculated using the parallel section method and the computer modeling method in order to compare these two gained values.
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