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Ethical Challenges of Medicine and Health on the Internet: A Review

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • بيانات النشر:
      Gunther Eysenbach; Centre for Global eHealth Innovation, Toronto, Canada
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      University of Toronto: Research Repository T-Space
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      Reviewer: Goodman, KW ; Reviewer: Rodrigues, R ; Reviewer: Risk, A ; Reviewer: Mack, J ; [This item is a preserved copy and is not necessarily the most recent version. To view the current item, visit ] Knowledge and capabilities, particularly of a new technology or in a new area of study, frequently develop faster than the guidelines and principles needed for practitioners to practice ethically in the new arena; this is particularly true in medicine. The blending of medicine and healthcare with e-commerce and the Internet raises many questions involving what sort of ethical conduct should be expected by practitioners and developers of the medical Internet. Some of the early pioneers in medical and healthcare Web sites pushed the ethical boundaries with questionable, even unethical, practices. Many involved with the medical Internet are now working to reestablish patient and consumer trust by establishing guidelines to determine how the fundamentals of the medical code of ethical conduct can best be adapted for the medical/healthcare Internet. Ultimately, all those involved in the creation, maintenance, and marketing of medical and healthcare Web sites should be required to adhere to a strict code of ethical conduct, one that has been fairly determined by an impartial international organization with reasonable power to regulate the code. This code could also serve as a desirable, recognizable label-of-distinction for ethical Web sites within the medical and healthcare Internet community. One challenge for those involved with the medical and healthcare Internet will be to determine what constitutes "Medical Internet Ethics" or "Healthcare Internet Ethics," since the definition of medical ethics can vary from country to country. Therefore, the emerging field of Medical/ Healthcare Internet Ethics will require careful thought and insights from an international collection of ethicists in many contributing areas. This paper is a review of the current status of the evolving field of ...
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