نبذة مختصرة : This study is the result of the research work carried out during the execution of the International Security program, developed by the National University of Distance Education (UNED), leading to the academic degree of doctor. The work aims to reveal variables that have been configured in the American subregional scenario since 2010 and that would have an impact on the conceptions of Security and Defense by 2030. n this area, the acceptance of a zone of peace established by the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) is reinforced as a relevant discussion. This conceptualization has become an Achilles' heel for security and defense. In our opinion, the Latin American region has continued to cling to exogenous notions of security, trying to assimilate itself to a reality that is alien to it, highlighting, on the one hand, scenarios that would present less interstate conflict and, on the other, the presence of greater porosity of other phenomena of conflictivity. As a result, key questions arise that guide the research: What factors have been influencing the design of security and defense instruments? Will the challenges and challenges of 2030 be in tune with the new ones? Questions that have been perpetuated and that we hope to help decipher in this work. ; El presente estudio es resultado del trabajo de investigación elaborado durante la ejecución del programa de Seguridad Internacional, que desarrolla la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), conducente al grado académico de doctor. El trabajo pretende revelar variables que se han estado configurando en el escenario subregional americano a partir del 2010 y que repercutirían en las concepciones de Seguridad y Defensa al 2030. En este ámbito, se refuerza como discusión relevante la aceptación de zona de Paz establecida por la Unión de Naciones Suramericana (UNASUR). Dicha conceptualización se ha transformado en un talón de Aquiles para la seguridad y defensa. A nuestro entender, la región latinoamericana ha continuado aferrándose a nociones de ...
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