نبذة مختصرة : The present work deals with the study of helium microwave plasmas at atmospheric pressure generated in a resonant cavity and their applications in surface treatment. First of all, a state of art of microwave atmospheric pressure plasmas and their applications is presented. Next, a collisional-radiative model for pure helium discharge and post-discharge is described. The results of the model are compared to experimental data obtained at 2500 K and a coherent set of cross-sections and rate constants is obtained for these conditions. Emission and absorption spectroscopy diagnostics are employed to characterize the helium plasma. The gas temperature is determined by the rotational synthetic spectra method. The evolution of the gas temperature, as a function of the input power, the concentration and the nature of impurities in helium, is measured. It turns out that the plasma volume plays a significant role on the gas temperature. The He(23S) concentration is determined by laser absorption in pulsed and continuous mode. In continuous mode, the metastable concentration is divided by 3 with 360 ppm of impurity, regardless of the nature of the impurity. Nevertheless, during the post-discharge, in pulsed mode, the nature of the impurity plays an important role. These measurements support the idea that He+ and not He2+ is the main ion. Concerning the applications, only post-discharges are utilized. We demonstrate that deposition of SiOx using hexamethyldisiloxane as precursor can be efficient. We show that titanium nitriding at high temperature is possible ; Les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire portent sur l'étude des plasmas d'hélium générés par micro-ondes en cavité résonnante à la pression atmosphérique et sur leurs applications en traitement de surfaces. Tout d'abord, un état de l'art sur les plasmas micro-ondes à la pression atmosphérique et leurs applications est présenté. Ensuite, un modèle collisionnel-radiatif de la décharge et de la post-décharge d'hélium pur est établi. Les résultats du modèle sont comparés ...
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