نبذة مختصرة : International audience ; This chapter is devoted to the Ntem Valley in South Cameroon, one of the multidisciplinary study areas for more than 5 years (1994/2000) of the European APFT program "Avenir des Peuples des Fprêts tropicales" (Future of Rainforest Peoples - FRP). ). It presents the geographical location, the demographic dimensions of the population of this region (fertility, mortality, child mortality in particular), the social and cultural aspects (ethnic groups, ethnolinguistics, ethnomusicology, education, religions, social organization and its fundamental aspects, those related to the kinship system and the politico-legal system. It also addresses questions of rural / urban population mobility and in particular relations with the city. The socio-health context with health indicators and the use of traditional medicine and the therapeutic routes of the population The activities and strategies of subsistence (breeding, fishing, hunting, trapping, collecting etc .) and what they produce in terms of impact on the environment through the evolution of surfaces cultivated, forest and biodiversity regeneration or the impact on flora and fauna.The chapter allows the various researchers to make a number of recommendations for the future of the peoples of this forest region.See also the book, "Man and the Tropical Forest", edited by Bahuchet, Bley, Pagezy, Vernazza-Licht www.ecologie-humaine.eu ; Ce chapitre est consacré à la Vallée Ntem au Sud Cameroun, l'un des terrains d'étude multidisciplinaire pendant plus de 5 ans (1994/2000) du programme européen APFT "Avenir des Peuples des Fprêts tropicales" (Future of Rainforest Peoples - FRP). Il présente la situation géographique, les dimensions démographiques de la population de cette région (fécondité, mortalité, mortalité des enfants notamment), les aspects sociaux et culturels (ethnies, ethnolinguistique, ethnomusicologie, scolarisation, religions, organisation sociale et ses aspects fonciers, ceux liés au système de parenté et au système politico-juridique. Il ...
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