نبذة مختصرة : This HDR dissertation is divided into four main chapters. The first seeks to show that although cognitive issues or realities have not always been sufficiently explored by sociology, particularly in the sociology of education, they nevertheless constitute one of the sub-soils of all sociological enquiry and deserve to be taken more directly as an object of study. The second chapter is essentially devoted to a review of my dissertation work and the extensions that have been given to it. It clarifies the notion of the disciplinary matrix that was at the heart of the project and its empirical underpinnings. The third chapter returns to the question of the school drop-out trajectories of middle-school pupils from working-class backgrounds, and more generally to the question of the schooling of pupils from working-class backgrounds, from which this research problem does not depart. Without reducing the intelligibility of these pathways to questions of cognitive socialisation, the HDR dissertation nevertheless shows how they run through and structure every dimension of the pathways, which would remain completely incomprehensible if sociology were to ignore them. Finally, the fourth and last chapter presents the thoughts and results of a recent survey on the categories of school understanding of learning and cognitive difficulties, on their effects in terms of both the imposition and the internalisation of the domination of the school. ; Ce mémoire d’HDR se présente en quatre grands chapitres. Le premier cherche à montrer que si les questions ou les réalités cognitives n’ont pas toujours été suffisamment investies par la sociologie, particulièrement en ce qui concerne le domaine de la sociologie de l’éducation, elles constituent néanmoins un des sous-sols de toute interrogation sociologique et méritent d’être prises plus frontalement comme objet d’études. Le second chapitre se consacre pour l’essentiel à un retour sur mes travaux de thèse et les prolongements qui leur ont été donnés. Il permet de clarifier la notion de ...
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