نبذة مختصرة : After signing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Helsinki at August 15, 2005 between Government of Indonesia (GoI) and Free Aceh Movement / Gerakan Aceh Meredeka (GAM), are facilitated by Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) lead by Finland former president Martti Ahtisaari. As post conflict area, Aceh entering three phases of peacebuilding processes called Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR). Those the reintegration is the most challenging phase due to complexity and long term process. Regarding the importantly of reintegration process, unfortunately MoU did not put the gender base sensitivity as the part of decision making on peace agreement. Here is the reintegration program policies began with gender injustice against female ex-combatant who did not mentioned as a beneficiaries of reintegration program benefits. Those reality of gender injustice reintegration program had been initiated the establishment of Acehnese Women League/Liga Inong Aceh (LINA) on June 11, 2006 by Shadia Marhaban and some Acehnese women activists.
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