نبذة مختصرة : This research examines changes in behavior of mikrotrans users after the implementation of the Jak Lingko system in South Jakarta. Mikrotrans is the term for small-scale public transportation used in the DKI Jakarta area. Previously known as microbuses or city public transportation (angkot) which used a regular system by implementing a deposit system to the owner. However, now it has been transformed by implementing an integrated transportation system or the Jak Lingko system. This research uses a qualitative case study research approach with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, documentation and literature study. The theory used is rational choice theory by James S. Coleman. The findings and analysis obtained show that changes in behavior made by mikrotrans users, both drivers and passengers, are influenced by considerations of rational choices to obtain maximum quality public transportation services and improve their personal quality. The decision to change behavior is made based on various considerations, namely improving facilities and service quality, implementing education and outreach to the community, implementing rules and sanctions, and strict supervisory control from various parties. The form of rationalization for mikrotrans users in this case is to obtain profits and benefits from all the advantages and advantages offered by the implementation of the Jak Lingko system. These benefits include convenience, security, comfort and safety when using public transportation. The form of change in social behavior of mikrotrans users in South Jakarta is known to be more orderly, obeying the rules, disciplined, orderly, friendly, responsive, helping each other and respecting each other among users.Keywords: Jak Lingko, Integration System, Behavior Change, Rational Choice.Abstrak. Penelitian ini mengkaji perubahan perilaku pengguna mikrotrans pasca penerapan sistem Jak Lingko di Jakarta Selatan. Mikrotrans merupakan sebutan untuk transportasi umum berskala kecil yang digunakan di ...
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