نبذة مختصرة : of the science buses and uses ethnographic observations of workshops. Brief 2 draws on iterative cycles of gathering information and checking understanding with project coordinators. Brief 3 was developed in close collaboration with DITOs partners and with input from artists active in the art/science field. Brief 4 has been developed in collaboration with the ECSA working group on Air quality. Brief 5 is based on findings from the round table in London in May 2018 which engaged national and international stakeholders working across environmental policy and citizen science. Brief 7 has been developed in collaboration with the Italian citizen science network, an informal group of citizen science practitioners, scientists, and decision- and policy-makers who have engaged with the lead authors during two DITOs round tables in April 2018 and February 2019. More details about each of the 7 briefs are: Brief 1 - A Tale of Two Science Buses: Diversity of Knowledge and Inclusion Practices This research insight is an analysis of the two DITOs science buses by the Waag and the RBINS. It suggests that science communication and citizen science involve diverse framings of scientific knowledge which influence potential inclusion practices. Brief 2 - Making Citizen Science Work - Innovation Management for Citizen Science This policy brief, produced in collaboration with the We Observe consortium, draws on a preliminary study that identified the main operational archetypes of citizen science and DIYBio science projects. The clustering of specific operational models of citizen science, as presented in the brief, is an indication that commonalities can be found, and that the landscape of citizen science can be understood from a social innovation perspective, and therefore supported by innovation management techniques. Brief 3 - Citizen Science and Art/science - Synergies and Future Potential This brief takes inspiration from Brief 3 “Citizen science and open science. Synergies and future areas of work” and recent developments in ...
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