نبذة مختصرة : 학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 환경대학원 환경계획학과, 2021.8. 윤순진. ; This study focuses on phenomenon that newlyweds and soon-to-be married couples irrational purchases of home appliances could drive increase in energy consumption. Since household energy consumption highly accounts for use of home appliances, marriage could be a crucial moment for changes in energy consumption patterns, because acquisition of variable home appliance is made in short period. Approaching on a perspective of Social practice theory (SPT), agencies in practice of home appliances purchase are conceptualized to be distributed over many elements in society. Drawing on the body of meaning-material-procedure model that is now widely cited in SPT academy, meaning-material-procedure-relationship model was developed for this study. Meaning includes social norms, images and social face, which are subjective, emotional and relative terms in doing the practice. Material is second element that basically includes all kinds of physical objects used in doing the practice and technologies embedded in the objects. Procedure includes knowledge, experience, competence and know-how that are required to perform a practice in a certain way. Lastly, element relationship has not been used in existing SPT literature, however, proposed for this study with a concern that practice of home appliances purchase is not made by sole individual but both husband and wife, which means more than one person are directly associated in the practice. Hence, communication and intimacy between husband and wife possibly affect practice of home appliance purchase. Based on the theoretical framework developed, data were collected by 10 semi structured in-depth interviews, 9 of which were conducted with newlyweds and one with a seller in a home appliance store. Results show that practice of home appliance purchase emerges under influence and interaction among the elements of practice; meaning, material, procedure, relationship. the results are explained respectively in individual level, material ...
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