نبذة مختصرة : Tese de mestrado em Linguística Aplicada apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 2008 ; Drawing on the theory of systemic functional linguistics as the framework for the research, particularly on aspects concerning the realisation of experiential meanings (Halliday 2004) and generic structure (Hasan 1996), this study describes the elements that are part of the generic structure potential of the genre school narrative. It focus particularly on the role that the obligatory elements, as textual devices facilitating the reader's recognition of the writer's communicative purposes, play in the identification of the genre. The study also aims at pointing out how lexicogrammatical features are realized as the instantiation of the ideational metafunction. The corpus of study is made up of forty school essays written by brasilian students as part of writing activities for the school subject Língua Portuguesa , in the last year of secondary school (year 12). Analysis shows that the majority of the texts present the obligatory elements of the generic potential. The presence of these elements is made clear by the use of the experiential centre processes and participants which functions as a structuring motivation for their expression. The data also shows that school narratives display some variability in terms of structure, and that there is a close dependency between the product of the writing task (the text) and the situational context motivating it (the writing task itself), i. e., students reach their purposes as writers according to and following closely what is said in the tasks. It is claimed that the research results constitute a valuable instrument for both teachers and students, giving them further tools for a clear and satisfactory implementation of a genre-based teaching methodology, as well as for researchers who are in need of more accurate descriptions of this narrative genre in Portuguese. ; A partir da Linguística Sistémico-Funcional, enquanto teoria de base desta pesquisa, ...
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