نبذة مختصرة : Correlation between interest in learning with student learning outcomes in science teaching fourth grade at SDN 39 Pontianak Kota. The research objective was to describe the existence of a correlation between interest in learning with learning outcomes in science teaching fourth grade at SDN 39 Pontianak City. The research method used descriptive correlation. The results of the study is that there is a correlation between interest in learning with learning outcomes in learning science class IV SDN 39 Pontianak City. Based on the results of the analysis of the data concluded that learning interest held by fourth grade students of SDN 39 Pontianak city as very good with average 80.71. The results obtained by studying science learning fourth grade students of SDN 39 Pontianak city quite well with an average of 77.69. The results of statistical calculations between variables X and Y is positive with rxy of 0.35. Then rxy than product moment r table at significance level of 5% with db = 97, obtained the rxy> rtabel is 0.35> 0.202 in the low-level relationships. Key Word: interest in learning, learning outcomes, learning sciences Abstrak: Korelasi antara minat belajar dengan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran IPA kelas IV SDN 39 Pontianak Kota.Tujuan penelitian adalah mendeskripsikan ada tidaknya korelasi antara minat belajar dengan hasil belajar pada pembelajaran IPA kelas IV SDN 39 Pontianak Kota. Metode penelitian yaitu metode deskriptif dengan bentuk studi korelasi. Hasil penelitian adalah terdapat korelasi antara minat belajar dengan hasil belajar pada pembelajaran IPA kelas IV SDN 39 Pontianak Kota. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data disimpulkan bahwa minat belajar yang dimiliki oleh siswa kelas IV SDN 39 Pontianak Kota tergolong sangat baik dengan rata-rata 80,71. Hasil belajar pembelajaran IPA yang diperoleh siswa kelas IV SDN 39 Pontianak Kota tergolong baik dengan rata-rata 77,69. Hasil perhitungan statistik antara variabel X dan Y bertanda positif dengan rxy sebesar 0,35. Kemudian rxy ...
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