نبذة مختصرة : School engagement insures the students’ identification with their school so as to feel as a part of the institution, and to build social relationship with their peers and teachers. The quality of school engagement may have an impact on their academic achievement, learning motivations, social skills, and somatic and psychological well-being as well. The aim of our study was to analyse the associations between various dimensions of school engagement (namely, their attitudes toward school, subjects, school environment, peers and teachers) and the students’ well-being and risk behaviours. Participants were primary and high school students aged between 11 and 18 years (M=13.6 years, SD=1.8; boys = 54,7%) in Budapest and surrounding villages. Beyond the measurement of smoking and drinking, and the School Attachment Questionnaire (Szabó & Virányi, 2011), the following scales were involved: WHO Well-Being Questionnaire, EPOCH – Adolescent Psychological Well-being Questionnaire, The Satisfaction With Life Scale. Our findings revealed that students who were not engaged in smoking and drinking scored lower on the school engagement scale than those who reported substance use. Besides, there were positive correlations between school engagement and variables of mental health (i.e., general well-being, satisfaction with life, and psychological well-being). Knowledge of school-related attitudes, such as school engagement, is a key to successful learning, preventing risk behaviours, and strengthening students’ well-being. ; Az iskolai kötődés biztosítja, hogy a diákok azonosulhassanak az iskolájukkal, az intézmény részének érezzék magukat, és szociális kapcsolatokat alakítsanak ki kortársaikkal és tanáraikkal. Az iskolai kötődés minősége kihat tanulmányi előmenetelükre, tanulási motivációikra, szociális készségeikre, valamint testi és lelki jóllétükre is. Tanulmányunk célja az volt, hogy elemezzük az iskolai kötődés különböző dimenziói (úgymint az iskolához, a tantárgyakhoz, az iskolai környezethez, a kortársakhoz, valamint ...
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