نبذة مختصرة : The study and treatment was carried out in 87 patients with chronic hepatitis in Binh Dinh Province based on HBV-DNA quantity. The rates of patients with quantitative HBV DNA levels> 106 copies/ml decreased from 79% (pre-treatment) to 3.7% and 4.9% after 3 months, and 6 months of treatment; The number of patients under detective group with positive HBV DNA quantity increased from 0% (pre-treatment) up to 44.4% and 75.3% after 3 months and 6 months of treatment.There are 9/81 patients whose HBV DNA quantity has not decreased but is likely to develop again. We randomly selected 5 of 9 patients for gene sequencing in the RT and PreS region. The results showed that 3 of 5 samples had mutation at RT and no sample had mutations in the Pre-S region. After 6 months of treatment with antiretroviral drugs tenofovir 300 mg (Dark 300mg), the clinical symptoms decreased at low level, the rate of normalization of liver enzymes increased highly;the rate of patients with concentration DNA HBV under detective level was 75.3%. The rates of mutations were high in the RT region with 3/5 (60%). On the contrary, the pre-S region was not the common region where patients with chronic hepatitis in Binh Dinh Provincial carried anti drugs mutations.
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