نبذة مختصرة : In a post-pandemic COVID-19 era, sports users prefer to consume online content for exercise over traditional models. Thus, YouTube has emerged as an alternative technological tool to traditional training media for fitness and physical activity. The aim of the study was to analyse the most important attributes that influence the intention to use YouTube fitness channels by female subscribers, comparing the results according to age. The sample consisted of a total of 1383 women with an average age of 44 years. Channel attributes (social interaction, quality of information, visual content) and youtuber attributes (physical attractiveness, social attractiveness, homophily attitude), attitude towards using YouTube channels, satisfaction with YouTube channels and intention to use them were assessed. The results indicated that younger women had higher ratings, although women over 50 highlighted the social attribute of the YouTube fitness channel by connecting with other women of similar interests. Attitude towards YouTube channels and satisfaction were predictors of intention to use for all age groups. These results allow YouTubers to create better marketing strategies to better design their channel’s content and attention to users ; En una época postpandemia COVID-19, los usuarios depor-tivos prefieren consumir contenido online para ejercitarse frente los modelos tradicionales. Así, YouTube ha emergido como una herramienta tecnológica alternativa los medios de entrenamiento tradicionales para mantenerse en forma y practicar actividad física. El objetivo del estudio fue anali-zar los atributos más importantes que influyen en la inten-ción de usar canales fitness de YouTube por las suscripto-ras, comparando los resultados según la edad. La muestra estuvo compuesta por un total de 1383 mujeres con una edad media de 44 años. Se evaluaron los atributos del canal (interacción social, calidad de la información, contenido vi-sual) y del youtuber (atractivo físico, atractivo social, actitud homofília), la actitud hacia el uso ...
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