نبذة مختصرة : 7 p., ill., Vol. 2 No. 3, October-December 2015; Inside this issue; New Assistant Dean for COB; Bellevue Ranked Among Most Affordable Online Master's in Accounting Programs; Dr. Bill Kittredge joins COB Faculty; IACBE North Central Regional Conference Hosted by COB; High School of Business Luncheon; College of Business Speaker Series; Supply Chain Students visit Gordman's Store and Warehouse; Nebraska affiliate of the Institute of Supply Management Scholarship Opportunities; Graduateprograms.com Announces 4th Annual Fall 2015 Online Business Grad Rankings; Merit Scholarships for Ph.D. Students; Owusu Successfully Defends Dissertation; Accounting Student Receives Scholarship; Susan Hardy, COB Adjunct Faculty Member, Praised by Alumni; Adjunct Faculty News and Updates; COB Adjunct, Dr. Shirey participates in National College Test Association 2015 Annual Conference for Testing Professionals; Alum, Veteran Pens Escape from Afghanistan; Conference Updates; Save the Date.; Resources & Links; Birthdays; Work Anniversaries
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