نبذة مختصرة : The evolutions and developments in the world have influenced the international system in different ways in the past and again today have given rise to a change in this system.The study aims to analyze the relations between Türkiye and Pakistan in the changing regional and global settings. Pakistan and Türkiye are natural allies on the basis of their common history, religion, and culture. They are important states geostrategically in world affairs for having distinct geo-strategic locations, which makes them vital in regional and world geopolitics. They have always supported each other in times of need and stood with each other on the matter of the Kashmir issue and the Cyprus issue. Both are also cooperating with each other to eradicate the evil of terrorism. The thesis examines the position of Pakistan and Türkiye in the changing international system, their relations with regional and international players, and emerging opportunities and challenges for both states. Also, the recent developments in the Middle East and how it impacts on both Pakistan and Türkiye and their stance over the Afghan-Taliban settlement have been discussed. The latest situation in Türkiye-Pakistan relations, their recent transformation, and their gradual institutionalization process has been accessed. Within this framework, the high level that has been attained in terms of bilateral cooperation has been addressed. ; Dünyadaki evrim ve gelişmeler, geçmişte uluslararası sistemi farklı şekillerde etkilemiş ve bugün yine bu sistemde bir değişikliğe yol açmıştır. Bu çalışma, değişen bölgesel ve küresel ortamlarda Türkiye ve Pakistan arasındaki ilişkileri analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Pakistan ve Türkiye, ortak tarihleri, dinleri ve kültürleri temelinde doğal müttefiklerdir. Farklı jeostratejik konumlara sahip oldukları için dünya meselelerinde jeostratejik olarak önemli devletlerdir, bu da onları bölgesel ve dünya jeopolitiğinde hayati aktör kılmaktadır. İhtiyaç anında her zaman birbirlerine destek olmuşlar ve Keşmir meselesi ve Kıbrıs ...
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