نبذة مختصرة : This article amplifies the option to be childfree in the frame of pro-choice action. Being childfree is popular yet crucial recently since it includes both personal choice and resistance against cultural tradition of having children. In further understanding, childfree tends to follow argumentations of pro-choice than pro-life as it emphasizes more on personal experience rather than common cultural standards. Through qualitative method, this article answers the question of ‘how may childfree be emphasized on its matter of pro-choice option?’. In analysis, pro- choice brings background that taste and experience remain important thing today. People are urged to think by themselves out of any obstacle from traditional standards. In conclusion, childfree indeed challenges old values by proposing self- indications rather than giving out to children. It does not mean that children are not important, but the pro-choice itself accentuates more to personal understandings as resistance to any traditional standard.Keywords: Childfree, Pro-Choice, Resistance, Traditional Values
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