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Estudio de caso sobre la construcción de identidad en un adolescente perteneciente a una tribu urbana

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  • معلومة اضافية
    • Contributors:
      Idárraga Cabrera, Claudia
    • بيانات النشر:
      Universidad de la Costa
    • الموضوع:
    • Collection:
      REDICUC - Repositorio Universidad de La Costa
    • نبذة مختصرة :
      One of the most stigmatized topics and also the least addresses about the urban cultural movement of the South American’s capitals are urban tribes.Based in this assumption is develop this case study, in which not only made it clear the urban tribes conceptualization, but also is described step by step the building process of the teenager identity that is linked to an urban tribes, furthermore to the aspect involved. The object of study in this study is “comprehend how the adolescents transit in the search of their identity thorough their linkage to urban tribes. This was obtained through the answer to the problem question: How is the adolescents transit in the search of their identity through their linkage to urban tribes? This case study was addressed from the phenomenological field and through qualitative research To obtain the results, a teenager belonging to an urban tribe (Punkie-Skate) was required, to who was applied TAT (Thematic Apperception Test) , Machover Test ( person draws) and also an interview semi-structured. After analyzing the data, the results indicated feelings of isolation, isolation of parental figures, instability of the "I", need for bonding and / or group tendency, and enjoyment even with the malaise that can provides urban tribe to this participant. Among the main conclusions are the following assumptions: The urban tribe is not a violent cultural group, originated in transgressing the laws; but is a cultural movement influenced by the pleasure principle The adolescent belonging to an urban tribe is not a rebellious or wicked. The teenager by himself is a disturbed and incomprehensible being with himself. ; Una de las temáticas mayormente estigmatizada y menos abordada sobre el movimiento cultural- urbano de las capitales de Sudamérica, son las tribus urbanas. A partir de este supuesto surge este estudio de caso, en el cual no solo se esclarece la conceptualización de tribus urbanas, sino que también se detalla paso a paso el proceso de construcción de identidad de un adolescente que ...
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