نبذة مختصرة : How do educational robots - like the AZIBOt, the Woody-Bot, the Fundi-walker, the Starling – build on local toy design histories in Senegal, Ghana, Uganda and South Africa - and how do they shed light on current global design themes such as ‘leapfrogging technologies’ and ‘craftism’? Delivered as part of: ‘Designing for New Realities’, Ashesi University, Accra (304 attendees) Organisers: Cher Potter, Dr Ayorkor Korsah (Ashesi). Ten speakers including Dr Ashitey Trebi-Ollennu (NASA Lead Engineer), Sename Agbodjinou (L’Africaine d’Architecture), Solomon King Benge (Fundi Bots), Christian Benimana (African Design Centre) investigated digital craft in the fields of robotics, interaction design and architecture across Africa; together with new spaces and communities of digital design.
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