نبذة مختصرة : Meckel’s diverticulum is an embryonic vestige of the omphalomesenteric duct, which is obliterated between the fifth and seventh weeks of gestation. Its incidence is very low, with a 2: 1 male-female ratio. In adults the most frequent presentation is intestinal obstruction and diverticulitis. It has an asymptomatic course and it is more frequently found during necropsies or laparotomies performed on patients with a presumptive diagnosis of acute appendicitis. This study presents the case of a 67-year-old male patient with pain in the lower right hemiabdomen, of mild intensity, that was progressively increasing and constant. It was accompanied by fever of 38 oC. Laparotomy was performed and the cecal appendix was found reddened and edematous. At about 50 cm of the ileocecal valve, an edematous Meckel’s diverticulum was found, which was reddened and with a smooth surface. Apicobasal appendectomy and resection of the intestinal segment was performed, which included the diverticulum, with termino-terminal anastomosis in two planes of suture. The histopathologic report described the cecal appendix and the intestinal segment with diverticulum, with a microscopic diagnosis of suppurated acute appendicitis and Meckel’s diverticulitis. This coexistence is infrequent. ; El divertículo de Meckel es un vestigio embrionario del conducto onfalomesentérico, el cual se oblitera entre la quinta y la séptima semanas de gestación. Su incidencia es muy baja, con una relación varón-mujer de 2:1. En adultos la presentación más frecuente es la obstrucción intestinal y la diverticulitis. Tiene un curso asintomático y con mayor frecuencia es hallado durante necropsias o laparotomías realizadas en pacientes con diagnóstico presuntivo de apendicitis aguda. El caso corresponde a un paciente masculino de 67 años, con dolor en hemiabdomen inferior derecho, de ligera intensidad, que fue aumentando progresivamente, constante y acompañado de fiebre de 38 °C. Se realizó laparotomía y se encontró el apéndice cecal ligeramente enrojecido y ...
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