نبذة مختصرة : This jurisprudential analysis aims to verify if the use of intersectional discrimination carried out by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the case of the Employees of the Santo Antônio de Jesus Fireworks Factory and their Relatives vs. Brazil is in line with international jurisprudence and the standards developed by other regional human rights courts. This case was chosen due to the multiplicity of identities of the individuals involved, the structural dimension of human rights violations, and the complex observations made by the IACHR regarding the intersection of intersectional and structural discrimination. Primary bibliographic sources - cases judged by the courts - and secondary sources - books, articles, and periodicals - were used to trace the concepts, investigate discrimination and human rights violations, and understand the judgments rendered by regional courts. The cases used for the analysis of the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights were selected based on the organ's own selection of “key cases” regarding intersectionality, while the cases from the African Court of Human Rights and Peoples were provided by renowned researchers in the field. ; Este análisis jurisprudencial tiene como objetivo verificar si el uso de discriminación interseccional realizado por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos en el caso Empleados de la fábrica de fuegos de Santo Antônio de Jesus y sus familiares vs. Brasil está en consonancia con la jurisprudencia internacional y los estándares desarrollados por otros tribunales regionales de derechos humanos. Se eligió este caso por la multiplicidad de identidades de las personas implicadas, la dimensión estructural de las violaciones de derechos humanos y las complejas observaciones actuadas por la Corte IDH sobre la confluencia de la discriminación interseccional y estructural. Se utilizaron fuentes bibliográficas primarias —casos juzgados por los tribunales— y secundarias —libros, artículos y publicaciones periódicas— para rastrear los ...
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