نبذة مختصرة : Ovaj završni rad bavi se 3D modeliranjem i 3D ispisom organizatora za stol s logotipom Sveučilišta Sjever korištenjem moderne aditivne tehnologije. Naglasak je stavljen na FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) tehnologiju zbog njene pristupačnosti, ekonomičnosti i širokih mogućnosti primjene. Rad detaljno opisuje sve faze procesa – od početnog dizajna modela u Blender softveru, pripreme datoteka za ispis, do samog 3D ispisa i završne obrade. Analiziraju se različiti materijali koji se koriste u FDM tehnologiji, kao i njihove mehaničke osobine i prikladnost za različite primjene. Eksperimentalni dio uključuje praktičnu izradu prototipa organizatora koristeći softver Blender i vlastiti 3D pisač Ender 3 Pro. Cilj rada je pružiti sveobuhvatan pregled FDM tehnologije, istaknuti njene prednosti i nedostatke, te istražiti njen potencijal u kontekstu brze izrade prototipova i malih serija proizvoda. Ovim radom nastoji se demonstrirati praktična primjena 3D ispisa u obrazovnom okruženju i hobističkoj uporabi. ; This final paper focuses on 3D modeling and 3D printing of a desk organizer with the University North logo, using modern additive technology. The emphasis is placed on FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) technology due to its accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and wide range of applications. The paper describes all phases of the process in detail – from the initial design of the model in Blender software, file preparation for printing, to the actual 3D printing and post-processing. Various materials used in FDM technology are analyzed, along with their mechanical properties and suitability for different applications. The experimental section includes the practical production of a prototype organizer using Blender software and the Ender 3 Pro 3D printer. The goal of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of FDM technology, highlight its advantages and disadvantages, and explore its potential in the context of rapid prototyping and small batch production. This paper aims to demonstrate the practical application of ...
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