نبذة مختصرة : This qualitative discourse analysis examines the way in which the state’s intervention in issues concerning the public library in Sweden is depicted before the establishment of said institution, and more spefically during the years 1898 to 1903. The general aim of said analysis is to act as a kind of balance to the prevailing representation of the public library as an altogether democratic institution. In summary the public library is presented in the source material as being the solution to an array of societal issues. The background to these matters is furthermore explored to some extent. Among these, pulic library initiatives as one of the components in a larger popular education project can be mentioned. The further goal of this project is in turn to produce a more effective workforce and thereby strengthen the competetivness of the nation’s industries, as well as to function as an intrument for social integration, pacification of the working class, and development of a civic subject position. The theoretical approach has been composed of a number of various orientations. What can be said to be the common denominator of these, is the point of departure in historical materialism, as well as to some extent an understanding of the relation between state and civil society as being integrated in each other, rather than separated by a distinct boundary. In short the study concludes that the subsidization of public libraries by the state constitutes part of the transition from the an industrial capitalism, to that of an organized such. This change is pursued by efforts towards conjuring a mobilization behind the national project, and the strengthening of the nation’s industries in relation to international competition. Simultaneously a form of renegotiation of the social contract takes place, in which the cultivation of the subject position of the citizen as an alternative to that of the class-related subject can be said to be a crucial component. Altogether the long-term purpose of said activities can be ...
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