نبذة مختصرة : Remote sensing is the only possibility to study Venus surface globally in foreseeable future and in the Venussian case it is complicated task due to the Venus thick atmosphere and clouds. Together they block radiation from surface almost in whole electromagnetic spectrum except radio- and microwaves (where the atmosphere is completely transparent), and a few narrow transparency "windows" in near infra-red (NIR). These transparency "windows" give a unique opportunity to sense Venus' surface: the surface is hot enough (740 K) to produce significant thermal flux in NIR, and this flux can escape to the space and then can be detected at the night side of the planet. Images obtained by the Venus Monitoring Camera (VMC) on-board Venus Express in 1-mkm transparency "windows" have been used to retrieve emissivity of the surface. Probabilities of difference in mineralogical compositions of several surface units have been obtained, and gaseous absorption value in low atmosphere has been retrieved. Since VMC has observed significant part of the Northern hemisphere of Venus, these data can be used to search for hot spots at the surface, which might mean presence of a hot (fresh) lava and ongoing volcanic activity. Therefore possibilities of detecting the lava fields of various sizes and shapes by VMC observations have been estimated. ; Fernerkundung ist die einzige Möglichkeit, Venus Oberfläche in absehbarer Zeit allgemein zu untersuchen. Wegen der dichten Venus Atmosphäre und der Wolken ist es eine komplizierte Aufgabe, denn diese blockieren gemeinsam die Strahlung von der Planetoberfläche nahezu in ganzem elektromagnetischen Spektrum ausgenommen von Radio- und Mikrowellen (wo die Atmosphäre vollständig transparent ist), und ein paar engen in Nah-Infrarotbereich (NIR) Transparenz "Fenster". Diese Transparenz "Fenster" geben eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, Venus Oberfläche abzutasten: die Oberfläche ist heiß genug (740 K) signifikanten Wärmefluss in NIR zu produzieren, und dieser Fluss kann in den Weltraum entweichen und dann ...
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